GP Plus Health Care Centre Elizabeth

Contact details

Photo of the Elizabeth GP Plus Health Care Centre

GP Plus Elizabeth offers a range of health care services in the community closer to home, to help people in the northern suburbs stay healthy and avoid having to use hospital services.


GP Plus Elizabeth is a facility that comprises a variety of health services including resident services and visiting services.

Resident Services

Visiting Services

To check on your eligibility to access these services, please contact the Centre on either (08) 7485 4000 or 1800 956 322 and select option 6 when prompted.

Please remember to bring your Medicare card and any concession cards to all appointments. A fee may be payable from private service providers or for overseas patients.

Opening hours

GP Plus Health Care Centre Elizabeth Services

Monday to Friday: 8.00 am to 5.30 pm

Breast Screen SA

Monday to Friday: 8.30 am to 4.30 pm

Private GP Service (Elizabeth Family Health)

Monday to Friday: 8.30 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday: 8.30 am to 12:00 pm

SA Dental

Monday to Friday: 8.30 am to 4.30 pm

SA Pathology

Monday to Friday: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm

Car parking

Car parking is available adjacent to the Centre, including disability parking.

Disabled access

The building has disability access at both entrances and throughout the building, including disability toilets and lift.

Public transport

GP Plus is near the Elizabeth Interchange at Elizabeth Shopping Centre and Elizabeth Train Station. The closest bus stops are Stop 64B Playford Boulevard or 65A Oxenham Drive (south side).