Audiology Clinic at Flinders Medical Centre

Audiologists assess people's hearing and care for people with hearing impairments and associated communication difficulties. Services include:

  • public adult cochlear implant program
  • paediatric and neonatal diagnostic audiology services
  • ear, nose & throat clinic support
  • adult diagnostic hearing assessments

Flinders Medical Centre is the location for the only public adult (persons aged 18 years and over) Cochlear Implant program in South Australia. A team approach is applied to preoperative evaluation and post-operative rehabilitation

No hearing aid services are provided through the Flinders Medical Centre Audiology Department.

Contact details

Telephone: (08) 8204 4366 / (08) 8204 5933 
Fax: (08) 8204 8941 
SMS: 0434 606 802 

Location: Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Level 6, Flinders Medical Centre
Directions: Use Southern Carpark, enter through Southern Entrance
Take Lizard lift to level 6, turn left and destination is at end of corridor.
Map: Flinders Medical Centre Precinct Map (587KB)

Visit SALHN specialist and outpatient clinics to access referral and management GP guidelines. 

Referral forms and processes are outlined in the outpatient referral process section.  

Diagnostic hearing assessment

Function: Hearing assessments for adults, infants and children of all ages, including infant diagnostic assessment. Diagnostic assessment for patients with special needs may include Otoacoustic Emission (OAE).

Contact details

Location: Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology, Level 6
Telephone: (08) 8204 4366
Fax: (08) 8204 8941
Hours: Monday to Friday

Referral details and information for GPs

Written referrals are accepted from general practitioners and SALHN agencies, both internal and external to Flinders Medical Centre.

Visit SALHN specialist and outpatient clinics to access referral and management GP guidelines. 

Referral forms and processes are outlined in the outpatient referral process section. 

Public Adult Cochlear Implant Clinic

Function: The Cochlear Implant program provides services for adult patients only. Cochlear implant services include preoperative assessment, post-operative programming, counselling and ongoing rehabilitation.

Contact details

Location: Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology, Level 6
Telephone: (08) 8204 4366
Fax: (08) 8204 8941
Hours: Monday to Friday

Referral details and information for GPs

All internal and external referrals are accepted, including self referrals. 

Further information regarding cochlear implant candidacy is available in this Adult Cochlear Implant Program Information Sheet (PDF 175B).

Visit SALHN specialist and outpatient clinics to access referral and management GP guidelines. 

Referral forms and processes are outlined in the outpatient referral process section. 


Audiology Services at Flinders Medical Centre