Respiratory, Sleep and Ventilatory Service (RSVS) at SALHN
The SALHN Respiratory Sleep and Ventilatory Service is a multidisciplinary service caring for adult patients with all respiratory and sleep conditions.
The service includes the diagnosis and management of:
- asthma
- emphysema (COPD)
- lung cancer
- bronchiectasis
- interstitial lung diseases
- pulmonary hypertension
- pneumonia and pleural disease
- sleep apnoea
- narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia
- REM Behaviour Disorder and Parasomnia
- Restless Legs Syndrome
- Insomnia
- Hypoventilation Disorders, including respiratory aspects of neuromuscular diseases
The team also includes:
- Respiratory Function Laboratory
- Sleep Laboratory
- Domiciliary Oxygen provision
- CPAP provision and Nursing Team
- Respiratory outreach Nursing Team
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme
- Respiratory and Sleep Research
The SALHN Respiratory, Sleep and Ventilatory Service runs outpatient clinics from Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) and Noarlunga GP Plus.
These clinics can be accessed via referral from a general practitioner or other medical specialist.
Respiratory Function Laboratory
The SALHN Respiratory Function Laboratory is run across two sites; Flinders Medical Centre and Noarlunga GP Plus. It provides a comprehensive range of diagnostic tests including:
- Spirometry and respiratory resistance measurements before and after bronchodilator
- Lung diffusing capacity
- Total lung capacity
- Functional assessment (6 minute walk distance)
- Arterial blood gas analysis
- Bronchial provocation test (Mannitol only)
- Respiratory muscle strength
- Cardiopulmonary exercise testing
- Physiological shunt estimation
- Altitude simulation test
- Fraction of Nitric Oxide in Expired Gas (FeNO)
The laboratory at FMC is situated on level 2 directly opposite Medicine Clinics. Patients should report to the Medicine Clinic desk on level 2 prior to their appointment.
The Respiratory Laboratory at Noarlunga GP Plus is situated on level 1 in the GP Plus building.
Appointments require a referral by a medical practitioner and can be made by phoning the Respiratory Function Laboratory on (08) 8204 7129.
Respiratory Function Testing
Lung Function Testing consumer health information - SALHN
Respiratory Function Testing request form -
Respiratory SALHN (PDF 364KB)
Sleep Laboratory
The SALHN Sleep Laboratory, based at Flinders Medical Centre, is a 5 bed facility providing a comprehensive range of diagnostic and treatment tests for Adults and Children aged 13 years and older. These tests include:
- Diagnostic Polysomnogrpahy
- PAP Initiation or Maintenance Polysomnography
- Nocturnal Oxygen Titration Polysomnography
- Non-Invasive Ventilation Titration
- Multiple Sleep Latency Testing (MSLT)
- Maintenance of Wakefulness Testing (MWT)
- Home Based Auto-PAP Trials
- Home Based Polysomnography
The Sleep Laboratory is open Monday to Friday and currently offers four nights for polysomnography, and three days for daytime tests.
The Sleep Laboratory is located on Level 2 of Flinders Medical Centre, opposite the Medicine Clinics and next to the Respiratory Function Laboratory.
General Practitioners can request diagnostic testing using the Sleep Health Service Referral Form for GPs (PDF 482KB).
All other testing must be requested by a sleep specialist using the Sleep Health Service Referral Form for Sleep Specialists (PDF 559KB). We accept patients referred by both public and private sleep physicians.
Respiratory Nursing Service
Specialist nurses include Respiratory Nurse Practitioner and Respiratory Education Nurse from the SALHN Respiratory Unit. These staff provide nursing care for patients and support to carers and families of people who suffer respiratory problems.
Services include:
- assessment of patients with chronic lung diseases (especially COPD and asthma)
- education, monitoring and optimising nursing treatment plans for inpatients
- outpatient clinic appointments
- Monitoring of home oxygen patients
A telephone hotline is available to SALHN Respiratory clients to help prevent unnecessary admission to hospital. The respiratory nurse will liaise with the general practitioner involved.
Telephone: (08) 8204 5511 — ask for pager 38959
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 4.00pm
A Respiratory Outreach Nursing Service assists people to manage their respiratory conditions.
Staff from the SALHN Respiratory and Sleep Services are engaged in extensive teaching, research and community programs related to respiratory disease.
Sleep Nursing Service
SALHN provides CPAP and BiPAP machines to eligible patients. The need and eligibility for a machine is determined by a sleep specialist. Patients can access this service with referral from their GP.
The Sleep Nursing Service provides assistance and ongoing monitoring for patients with the use of their CPAP and BiPAP machines. If you have a CPAP or BiPAP and need assistance, please contact the sleep service to request a sleep nurse review.
Clinics are run from Flinders Medical Centre and Noarlunga GP Plus.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme
- Multi-disciplinary outpatient programme which runs a number of courses annually
- Evidence-based programme including exercise, education, and psychological support
- Suitable for people with chronic lung disease who are limited by breathlessness
- Conducted at FMC (Rehab building, level 3) and Noarlunga GP Plus
- Home rehab programme is also available in selected cases
- Telehealth options are available
- Referral is by any appropriate medical professional
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Referral Form (PDF 92KB)
Contact details
Head of Respiratory and Sleep Services - Huw Davies
Telephone: (08) 8204 4033
Fax: (08)
8204 5632
Respiratory Administration
Telephone: (08) 8204 4033
Fax: (08) 8204 5632
Sleep Administration
Telephone: (08) 8404 2331
Fax: (08) 8404 2333
Respiratory Function Laboratory
Telephone: (08) 8204 7129 (bookings)
Fax: (08) 8204 8972
Sleep Laboratory
Telephone: (08) 8404 2331 (bookings)
Telephone: (08) 8204 6632 (results and lab queries)
Sleep Nursing Team
Telephone: (08) 8404 2331, ask for Sleep Nursing Team
Respiratory Nursing
Phone: (08) 8204 6164
Out of Hospital Services:
Respiratory GP Plus Out of Hospital Services
Respiratory Function Trail Map - FMC
Sleep Services Trail Map - FMC
Flinders Medical Centre Site Map (PDF 133KB)
Respiratory and Sleep Clinic at Flinders Medical Centre
Respiratory Services at Noarlunga GP Plus Super Clinic