Respiratory and Sleep Clinic at Flinders Medical Centre

FMC Respiratory and Sleep Clinic offers public and private (Medicare bulk billed) services.

The clinic manages of all forms of respiratory disease including sleep apnoea and pulmonary hypertension. The clinic also provides initial assessment of lung cancer and early review in a multidisciplinary setting.

Consultants who bulk bill private patients to Medicare

Dr Jeffery Bowden
Dr Dimitar Sajkov
Dr Sharon Morton
Dr Helen Crocker
Dr Anand Rose
Dr Jason D’Costa
Dr Brendan Dougherty


Visit SALHN specialist and outpatient clinics to access referral and management GP guidelines. 

Referral forms and processes are outlined in the outpatient referral process section. 

Contact details

Telephone: (08) 8204 5193
Fax: (08) 8204 6105
Hours: Monday to Friday

Location: Level 2, Outpatient Clinics (Clinic B), Flinders Medical Centre
Directions: Outpatient Clinics A, B, C Trail Map (PDF 129KB)
Map: Flinders Medical Centre Precinct Map (PDF 587KB)


Respiratory and Sleep Services at Flinders Medical Centre