Fragility Fracture Service at SALHN
The Fragility Fracture Service offers a Medicare bulked billed service for people age 50 and above who have sustained a fragility fracture (or minimal trauma fracture).
A rehabilitation physician, specialist nurse (fragility fracture liaison), dietician and pharmacist will assess the patient. The focus of the service is identifying the fragility fracture, investigating the fragility fracture, and initiating treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological).
The service provided may include:
- fracture risk assessment
- falls risk assessment
- dietetic focused assessment
- medication review and initiation of osteoporosis treatments
- investigations (pathology, bone density testing)
- self-management education.
Patients attend the fragility fracture service for two appointments, though may be referred on for further physiotherapy and dietetics, or other specialty rehabilitation services (i.e. syncope clinic, memory clinic, aged services, musculoskeletal) requiring further attendance at SALHN Outpatient Rehabilitation or Aged Care Clinics).
For GPs
GP referral guidelines for outpatient services can be viewed at Southern Adelaide Local Health Network specialist and outpatient clinics
Templates for GP systems
- Zedmed — Outpatient Medical Rehabilitation and Aged Care Clinic Referral Form Template (RTF 40KB)
- Best Practice — Outpatient Medical Rehabilitation and Aged Care Clinic Referral Form Template (RTF 75KB)
- Medical Director — Outpatient Medical Rehabilitation and Aged Care Clinic Referral Form Template (RTF 50KB)
Importing fact sheets
- Zedmed —
Importing templates into
(PDF 57KB)
- Best Practice — Importing templates into (PDF 552KB)
- Medical Director — Importing templates into (PDF 106KB)
For other heath professionals
Outpatient Medical Rehabilitation and Aged Care Referral Form (PDF 352KB)
Send to Fax: (08) 8404 2263
For a list of SALHN rehabilitation physicians and their areas of interest, see Meet our Rehabilitation Physicians — 4th Generation Clinics (PDF 311KB)
For further clinical information about services, contact the Outpatient Clinic Coordinator on (08) 8204 7839.
Contact details
4th Generation Clinics
Rehabilitation and Palliative Care Building
Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park SA 5042
Telephone: (08) 8404 2269
Fax: (08) 8404 2263
Clinic location
Marion GP Plus Health Care Centre
Milham Street, Oaklands Park
Telephone: (08) 7425 8300