Freedom of information – Drug and Alcohol Services SA

The Freedom of Information Act 1991 gives members of the public a legally enforceable right to access information held by the South Australian Government, subject to certain conditions. See below a list of publically available Drug and Alcohol Services SA determinations.

Each of SA Health’s agencies operates separately for the purposes of Freedom of Information (FOI) legislation. For general information, including where to apply and how documents can be accessed, see the Freedom of information page.

There is a $40.75 FOI application, some requests have an additional processing charge. The Drug and Alcohol Services SA FOI team will advise you of these charges once they receive your application and begin processing it. For more information on costs see the Freedom of information page or the Drug and Alcohol Services SA FOI team below.

How to apply

When making an FOI application, you will need to provide enough information to enable the correct documents to be identified. If you are uncertain, it is recommended that you contact the relevant agency’s FOI Officer for assistance.

Advice about how you would like to access the documents should be included in your FOI application.

Applications can be made by:

Contact the Drug and Alcohol Services SA FOI team

Phone: (08) 7425 5000
Post: 91 Magill Road, Stepney SA 5069

Public FOIs requested in the past 12 months

There are currently no public FOIs available.