Women and children services at Flinders Medical Centre
Women and Children at Flinders provide a comprehensive health care service for women, babies, children and adolescents.
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Neonatal
- Paediatrics and Child Health
- Child Protection Services
- Women's Assessment Service
We work closely with:
- Community based general practitioners (GPs) and specialists
- Noarlunga Hospital
- GP Plus services at Aldinga, Noarlunga and Marion
- Women’s and Children’s Hospital
Consumer health information
- Your guide to pregnancy (PDF 618KB)
- Skin to Skin (PDF 218KB)
- Now that you have had your baby booklet (PDF 1.7MB)
Self care
- Care of yourself while pregnant consumer health information (PDF 193KB)
- Keep fit for pregnancy and childbirth consumer health information (PDF 301KB)
- Optimal Foetal Positioning consumer health information
- Pregnancy related back and pelvic pain consumer health information (PDF 505KB)
Birth skills
- Massage in labour consumer health information (PDF 506KB)
- Suggestions for labour consumer health information (PDF 80KB)
- Having a caesarean section (PDF 136KB)
Paediatrics consumer health information
Birthing at Flinders Medical Centre
- FMC COVID-19 Maternity Care Pathways fact sheet (PDF 385KB)
- Birthing while COVID-19 positive fact sheet (PDF 301KB)
COVID-19 vaccinations for pregnant women
Research from around the world has shown mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, such as Pfizer and Moderna, are safe and effective if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning a family.
Those who are pregnant and their unborn baby have a significantly higher risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19 than non-pregnant people.
For more information about COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy, visit the COVID-19 Vaccination: Pregnancy, Planning a Family and Breastfeeding at SALHN page.
Contact details
Patient enquiries:
Women’s Health Clinic
Telephone: (08) 8204 5197
Fax: (08) 8204 5210
Divisional enquiries:
Clinical Director - Dr Amanda Dennis, Clinical Director
Telephone: (08) 8204 7621
Fax: (08) 8204 3945
Email: Health.FMCWomensandChildrensDivision@sa.gov.au