COVID-19 information at NALHN

At the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN) the health and wellbeing of our patients, visitors and staff is our priority.

To protect yourself and others the general use of universal surgical masks is recommended but not mandatory at our sites.

Anyone entering a NALHN site will be required to:

  • perform hand hygiene on entry
  • wear additional personal protective equipment (PPE) In high-risk settings with vulnerable patients. This will be available at the ward level
  • maintain 1.5 metres physical distancing where possible.

COVID-19 Information


For our staff, we encourage you to raise any questions or concerns with your line manager and visit the NALHN Staff COVID-19 Information page.

Consumers and patients

For our consumers we encourage you to ask any questions and discuss any concerns with your healthcare team, including how the current COVID-19 guidelines may affect your treatment. To provide feedback on your experience at the NALHN, please contact our Consumer Engagement service on 1300 013 988 or