Timor 5 - Memory Support Unit (MSU) at Repat Health Precinct

The Memory Support Unit (MSU) at Timor 6 provides a geriatrician-led, multi-disciplinary model of clinical care with a focus on supporting patients with mild behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). Patients will transition from acute/sub-acute care within Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN) into the MSU ward with the discharge plan of entering an MSU within a community setting.  

The MSU provides comprehensive assessment, management, and care planning in consultation with the older person, their family, carer and community services using the evidence-based principles of a multidisciplinary Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment.


  • Interdisciplinary assessments
  • diversional therapy program
  • comprehensive allied health support and therapy.

Target population  greater than 65 years, or greater than 45 years of age for Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander people, who are medically stable requiring assessment under geriatrician and multidisciplinary team.

Referrals are received directly from the SALHN MSU waiting list (compiled by SALHN Welfare Workers) for patients from any acute or sub-acute inpatient service within SALHN.


Telephone: (08) 7117 5130   
Location: Timor 5, Repat Health Precinct, Building 75, 216 Daws Road, Daw Park 5041  
Directions:  Timor is located directly north-east of the clocktower/security building at the Repat Health Precinct.