Paediatric Allergy Dietetic Service Clinic at Flinders Medical Centre
Allergy dietitians provide a free public service to care for children, carers and families of people who experience allergic and immunological conditions. Services include:
- specialist dietetic support to inpatient food challenges at FMC and outpatient clinic
- appointments at FMC and Marion GP Plus.
- education of patients/carers in food allergen avoidance
- education of patients/carers in managing secondary carbohydrate intolerance
- providing meal plans for specific allergies
- managing underweight children and those requiring nutritional support
- assessing and helping infants and children achieve developmentally appropriate
- feeding milestones
- appraising nutritional status and managing children with complex feeding disorders
- food chemical elimination diets for older children
Contact details
Location: GP Plus Marion (Allergy Clinic, Level 1)
Telephone: (08) 8204 7201
Fax: (08) 8204 7483
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm
All referrals to allergy dietitians are restricted to people who have been assessed by a specialist in allergy /clinical immunology.
Visit SALHN specialist and outpatient clinics to access referral and management GP guidelines.
Referral forms and processes are outlined in the outpatient referral process section.
Transition Care for Teenagers and Young People
Allergy Nurse led transition pathway for teenagers > 13 years of age and young people living with complex allergic and immunological conditions. Operates in parallel to existing Immunology medical care and is facilitated by allergy nurses.
Further details - Transitioning from paediatric to adult health services - Frequently Asked Questions (PDF 1.33MB)
Group Patient Information Workshops
Eczema Education is a free two hour workshop for patients and their carers to increase knowledge of:
- understanding your eczema management plan
- Importance of basic skin care and treatments including practical demonstrations.
School aged children are encouraged to attend with their parents/carers.
Living with the risk of anaphylaxis is a free one hour workshop providing information on:
- Understanding an Anaphylaxis Action Plan
- When and how do I use my Adrenaline Autoinjector device (Epipen®)
- How do I tell people about risk at school / work, when eating out, travelling or with a language barrier?
The workshop can increase parents/carers knowledge of allergen avoidance and early recognition of anaphylaxis and the first aid treatment.
Friends, family and carers are welcome to attend the workshop.
Living with the risk of anaphylaxis workshops for teenagers and young people are provided as required. Please contact the allergy nurses at FMC for further details.
Contact details
Location: GP Plus Marion, 10 Milham Street, Oaklands Park
Telephone: (08) 8204 7201 and (08) 8204 8953 to book or register your interest.
Fax: (08) 8204 7483
Eczema Education Workshop - 2.00pm to 4.00pm, 2nd Wednesday of each month
Living with the risk of anaphylaxis - 2.00pm to 3.00pm, 1st Friday of each month
Patients/carers can self refer to group education sessions providing there is a medical diagnosis related to the need for attendance. However a booking must be made by phoning (08) 8204 7201.
Visit SALHN specialist and outpatient clinics to access referral and management GP guidelines.
Referral forms and processes are outlined in the outpatient referral process section.
Allergy and Clinical Immunology Services at Flinders Medical Centre