Allergy and Clinical Immunology Services at Flinders Medical Centre
The Allergy and Clinical Immunology Service (ACI) provide a multi-disciplinary approach to patient care. Our allergy doctors, nurses and dietitians help patients manage their allergic and immunological diseases, and coordinate clinical care.
The ACI specialist services include:
- teaching, research and consumer partnership
- promoting patient self-management
- inpatient clinical investigations and treatment including drug testing and challenge/food challenge
- immunoglobulin replacement therapy
- venom ‘ultra rush’ immunotherapy treatment
- aeroallergen and venom 'semi rush' immunotherapy initiation maintenance
- maintenance immunotherapy via the GP's shared care program
Named referrals are required and must comply with the ACI Service Referral guidelines for GP’s.
Please see SALHN specialist and outpatient clinics.
Fax all referrals to 8204 7483.
All referrals are triaged according to the clinical details provided in the referral. Noncompliant referrals will be returned to the referring medical officer. Patients and GP will be notified of either an appointment or placed on a waiting list.
The ACI service is located at Flinders Medical Centre and provides outreach sessions at GP Plus Marion.
Our clinics include:
- Allergic Rhinitis and Chronic Sinusitis Clinic
- Paediatric Allergy/Immunology Clinic
- Adult Allergy/Clinical Immunology Clinic
- Anaphylaxis Rapid Review Clinic
- Drug Hypersensitivity and Venom Anaphylaxis Clinic
- Immunodeficiency Clinic
- Paediatric Severe Eczema Clinic
- Allergy/Clinical Immunology Group Self-management Workshops
- Paediatric Allergy Dietetic Services
- Transition Clinic
We manage complex and serious allergic/immunological conditions. This can include:
- anaphylaxis to foods, insect venom, drugs
- drug hypersensitivity
- eczema and rhinoconjunctivitis
- angioedema and urticaria
- primary immunodeficiencies
- systemic autoimmune disorders eg vasculitis, myositis
FMC Inpatient consults are provided to adults and children via the adult immunology registrar (Mon-Fri) or paediatric immunology registrar (Thurs and Fri only).
Contact details
Telephone: (08) 8204 7201