Disability Access and Inclusion Plan HTML - SALHN

About Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN)

Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN) provides care for more than 350 000 people living in the southern metropolitan area of Adelaide, as well as providing a number of state-wide services, and services to those in regional areas. More than 7500 skilled staff provide high quality patient care, education, research and health- promoting services.

SALHN provides a range of acute and sub-acute health services for people of all ages through its acute sites and its network of community and inpatient mental health services and primary health care services. The organisation works closely with a wide range of health providers in the southern region of Adelaide, including general practitioners and other private providers.

SALHN is supported by the SALHN Health Advisory Council, which monitors and provides advice on improving clinical care outcomes within SALHN, with a particular focus on local service integration, performance and the safety and quality of services.

Health services which form SALHN include:

  • Flinders Medical Centre (FMC), Noarlunga Hospital and the Repatriation Health Precinct (RHP).
  • Intermediate Care Services, including GP Plus Super Clinic Noarlunga, GP Plus Health   Care Centres at Aldinga and Marion, and a primary health site at Seaford, in addition to Aboriginal health services and Aboriginal family clinics, and the health services in peoples’ homes.
  • Southern Mental Health inpatient services  at  FMC, Noarlunga Hospital  and  RGH, including specialised services for eating disorders, veterans’ mental health and problem gambling. Community based mental health services include the Inner South Community Mental Health Centre (collocated with GP Plus Marion), and the Southern Intermediate Care Centre and Trevor Parry Centre, which are both located at Noarlunga


The Southern Adelaide Local Health network first developed  their Disability Access and Inclusion Plan in 2015, through a broad consultation process involving a consultative working party.

Representatives were from a variety of areas within SALHN including: Clinical Divisions, Clinical Governance, Consumer Engagement, Allied Health, Aboriginal Health Services, Nursing and Midwifery, SALHN Executive Team, Media and Communications, Environmental Services, CNMER, Intermediate Care Services, Corporate Services, Human Resources, and Consumer Advisory Services.

A formal consultation process also occurred with the broader Southern Adelaide Community as well as within SALHN with a variety of stakeholders including consumer representatives, staff (clinical and administrative), volunteers, disability consumer and community groups.

Since this time the plan has been updated through consultation with SALHN consumers and staff.


Under federal legislation (Disability Discrimination Act 1992) and SA legislation (Equal Opportunity Act 1984) it is against the law to discriminate against someone based on their disability. Disability discrimination happens when people with disability are treated less fairly than people without disability and the discriminator fails to make reasonable adjustments to rectify the situation. It also occurs when people are treated less fairly because they are relatives, friends, carers, co-workers or associates of a person with disability.

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 defines ‘disability’ as meaning:

  1. total or partial loss of the person’s bodily or mental functions;
  2. or total or partial loss of a part of the body; or
  3. the presence in the body of organisms causing disease or illness; or
  4. the presence in the body of organisms capable of causing disease or illness; or
  5. the malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of the person’s body; or
  6. a disorder or malfunction that results in the person learning differently from a person without the disorder or malfunction; or
  7. a disorder, illness or disease that affects a person’s thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgment or that results in disturbed behaviour;

and includes a disability that:

  1. presently exists; or
  2. previously existed but no longer exists; or
  3. may exist in the future (including because of a genetic predisposition to that disability); or
  4. is imputed to a person.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) defines ‘persons with disabilities’ as including those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. These barriers can be environmental and attitudinal.

This broader understanding recognises that disability may be a product of impairment of functionality but also of the environment in which the person lives. Social, attitudinal, economic and cultural barriers can limit participation as can a person’s individual circumstances (eg nature and degree of impairment, capacities and skills).

The UNCPRD defines ‘discrimination’ on the basis of disability to mean any distinction, exclusion or restriction on the basis of disability which has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal basis with others, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.

Disability Inclusion Act 2018

The Disability Inclusion Act 2018 (SA) promotes the full inclusion in the community of people with disability; and requires that all State authorities have a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan.

Relationship to other policies, strategies, frameworks

The intent of this DAIP is also consistent with and shaped by a range of other legislation, policies and documents including:


  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992
  • Disability Services Act 1986 (this will be repealed by Sch1 c5 Disability Inclusion Act)
  • Equal Opportunity Act 1984
  • Work Health Safety Act 2012
  • Disability Inclusion Act 2018 (This legislation is affected by amending provisions that have not yet come into operation or taken effect. Only amendments that have commenced are incorporated.)

Guiding documents

  • National Disability Agreement 
  • Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner Charter of Rights 
  • State Disability Inclusion Plan 2019-2023

Policy and procedure

  • Non work related disability or medical incapacity policy guideline
  • Improving access to SA health service policy directive
  • Accreditation policy directive
  • Framework for active partnerships with consumers and the community policy directive
  • Animals in the hospital SALHN procedure
  • Autism and development disability: management of distress and agitation SALHN W&C Procedure
  • Mandatory training policy SALHN and schedule
  • Vacancy management procedure SALHN


  • Advisory note on streetscape, public outdoor areas, fixtures, fittings and furniture – Note this contains references to the relevant Australian Standards for buildings, fixtures, fittings, furniture, etc
  • Disability (Access to Premises-Buildings) Standards 2010 and Guideline on the Application of the Premises Standards V2 Feb 2013


  • Building Code Australia
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme

Monitoring, Review and Reporting Process

Progress of Southern Adelaide Local Health Network’s DAIP will be driven and reviewed by a SALHN Disability Action Plan implementation group and reported to SALHN Executive Team. Progress and achievements against the DAIP will be reported annually through the whole of government annual reporting process. The DAIP will be evaluated in 2022 forming the foundation for a further plan in 2023.

National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS)

The NSQHS Standards were developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care in collaboration with the Australian Government, states and territories, private sector providers, clinical experts, patients and carers.

The primary aims of the NSQHS Standards are to protect the public from harm and to improve the quality of health service provision. The eight NSQHS Standards as follows provide a nationally consistent statement about the level of care consumers can expect from health services.

  • Clinical governance standard
  • Partnering with consumers in their care standard
  • Preventing and controlling healthcare – associated Infections standard
  • Medication safety standard
  • Comprehensive care standard
  • Communicating for safety standard
  • Blood management standard
  • Recognising and responding to acute deterioration standard

SALHN Disability Action and Inclusion Plan

Ensuring that the rights of people living with disability are upheld is the responsibility of the whole community and requires a state-wide response. Most people take the ability to go about daily life for granted. People with disability should also be able to access and participate in all aspects of our society, including using mainstream services and programs. Social inclusion is fundamental to one’s quality of life and critical to achieving positive life outcomes across all domains.

SALHN is dedicated to supporting people with disabilities, by promoting SALHN as disability-friendly, improving physical access to buildings and facilities for people with a disability, and improving disability awareness and understanding among staff and volunteers.  SALHN is committed to the implementation of the Disability Action and Inclusion Plan.

The Government of South Australia’s State Disability Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2019-2023 sets out specific actions for Government agencies to achieve.  These will support the implementation of the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and the principles agreed in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).  The State Disability Inclusion Plan has four key themes:

  1. Inclusive Communities for all
  2. Leadership and Collaboration
  3. Accessible Communities
  4. Learning and employment

The SALHN Disability Access and Inclusion Plan actions align to the outcomes of the National Disability Strategy and the four themes of the State Plan.

Theme 1: Inclusive Communities for all

  • Involvement in the community
  • Improving community understanding and awareness
  • Promoting the rights of people living with disability

Outcome 1. Inclusive and Accessible Communities

People with disability live in accessible and well-designed communities with opportunity for full inclusion in social, economic sporting and cultural life.


SALHN policies and procedures consider the needs of people with disability.


Policy, procedure, and guideline documents for staff to consider the needs of people with disability.

All documents to include a statement which documents the considerations of needs of people with a disability.

Lead: Clinical Governance Unit 

Timeframe: Short & Ongoing

Measurable Target: Dedicated section in policy documents to demonstrate consideration of disability.

Risk: Low


Publications developed by SALHN regarding services, facilities, consumer feedback and health information are in an appropriate format to meet the needs of people with disability. Policy, procedure, and guideline documents for staff to consider the needs of people with disability. 

Action/Strategy: Assess feasibility of all SALHN publications to be available in alternative accessible formats for people with disability. Liaise with SA Health re state wide approach.

SALHN templates for publications to include the statement “This document can be made available in alternative formats on request”.

Lead: Media and Communications

Timeframe: Short & Ongoing

Measurable Target: Process developed for alternative accessible formats. Statement included in templates. 

Risk: Low


Buildings and facilities are physically accessible to people with disability.

Action/Strategy:  Complete audit of SALHN facilities & identify areas of high risk relating to poor access to facilities for people with disability.

Lead:  Environmental Services

Timeframe:  Medium

Measurable Target:  Risk assessment of facilities audit is complete and lodged on SALHN Risk Register.

Risk: Medium

Action/Strategy: Determine appropriate action plans for non- compliant facilities following audit review and risk rating.

Lead:  Environmental Services & SALHN Executive

Timeframe:  Medium

Measurable Target: Management plans developed for non-compliant facilities.

Risk: Medium

Action/Strategy: Ensure all newly acquired/developed facilities are compliant with Disability legislation. Ensure adequate consideration is given to the planning and development of facilities at the new SALHN and Transforming Health builds that cater for the needs of people with disability, and in consultation with consumers. 

Lead: Environmental Services, SALHN Executive

Timeframe:  Ongoing

Measurable Target: Assessment of compliance is embedded part of Facilities Planning & Management process of building assessment and upgrades.

Involvement of consumers.

Risk: Low

Action/Strategy: Investigate potential for disabled toilet/ suitable change space in the main entrance & outpatient areas at FMC & NH.

Lead: Environmental Services

Measurable Target: People with disability have access to appropriate facilities

Risk: High

Action/Strategy: Ensure disabled car parking is located at the nearest accessible point of entry to facilities and where practical accessible to undercover walkways in order to provide protection from inclement weather.

Lead: Environmental Services

Measurable Target: People with disability have access to appropriate facilities.

Risk: Medium

Action/Strategy: Way-finding strategy be investigated and developed to ensure clearly signed, safe and accessible paths of travel throughout all SALHN facilities and grounds.

Lead:  Environmental Services, Consumer Engagement Coordinator

Measurable Target: People with Disability have access to appropriate facilities.

Risk: Low


Aids and equipment are available to appropriately deliver services to people with disability.

Action/Strategy: Aids and equipment are available to appropriately deliver services to people with disability.

Lead:  Environmental Services

Measurable Target: People with disability have access to appropriate facilities.

Risk: High

Action/Strategy: Review pre-admission assessment and admission assessment to ensure patients are provided with the opportunity to indicate special requirements including equipment and aids

Lead: Clinical Divisions

Measurable Target: People with disability have access to appropriate facilities.

Risk: Medium

Action/Strategy: Identify gaps where additional equipment and facilities are required to meet needs of people with disability (e.g. appropriate beds, weigh areas, lifters in outpatients, toilet/changing facilities, bariatric) and develop corresponding action plan to procure equipment as required.

Lead:  Clinical Divisions

Timeframe:  Long Term

Measurable Target: Appropriate equipment is available to deliver services to people with disability.

Risk: Low


Improve access to services through the use of assistive technologies, equipment and facilities

Action/Strategy: Investigate the provision of dedicated recharge points for wheelchairs/scooters at SALHN facilities.

Investigate hearing augmentation systems in key areas throughout SALHN facilities.

SALHN supports access by registered Service Dogs

  • Staff are aware of the protocols associated with service dogs 
  • Appropriate signage is displayed in area where service dogs may be present

Lead:  Environmental Services, Consult with Audiology

Timeframe:  Long Term

Measurable Target: People with disability have access to appropriate facilities.

Risk: Low


Information is published/available regarding accessibility of SALHN buildings, services and facilities for people with disability.


Develop information on the internet and intranet about access to facilities (i.e. maps regarding entrances, parking, toilets, appropriate rest spots).

Investigate the feasibility of an electronic information portal with voice output at main entrances of hospital sites which would include services and facilities for people with a disability.

Volunteer Guide service to continue to be supported at FMC. Investigate options for a guide service at RGH and NH.

Lead:  Media and Communication, Consumer Engagement Coordinator, Manager, Volunteers

Measurable Target: Information available across SALHN and on local internet and intranet sites

Risk: Medium


Consumers with complex needs and frequent, multiple appointments are supported with scheduling.

Action/Strategy: Develop a checklist/procedure that guides outpatient departments when booking appointments for people with disability (ie regarding transport needs, use of access cabs outside of peak times, scheduling multiple appointments on the same day to minimize visits to SALHN).

Update the outpatient letter template to ensure patients are provided with an opportunity to indicate special requirements including equipment and aids.

Lead: Corporate Services and Clinical Divisions

Timeframe:  Short

Measurable Target: Consumers appointment needs are more effectively managed.

Risk: High


Evacuation Procedures and emergency plans include provision for people with a wide range of disabilities.

Action/Strategy: Review evacuation procedures, emergency plans and associated training material to ensure the requirements of people with a range of disabilities are adequately addressed.

Lead: Emergency Management Coordinator

Timeframe:  Short

Measurable Target: Clear evaluation and emergency plans are in place for people with disability.

Risk: High


Appropriate waste disposal facilities are available for people with disabilities (colostomy, needle disposal, dressing waste etc.)

Action/Strategy: Implement waste centres in disabled bathrooms (sharps etc)

Lead: Environmental Services  & WHS

Timeframe: Long Term

Measurable Target: People with disability have access to appropriate facilities.

Risk: Low

Theme 2: Leadership and Collaboration

  • Participation in decision-making
  • Leadership and raising profile
  • Engagement and consultation

Outcome 3. Rights Protection, Justice and Legislation

People with disability live in accessible and well-designed communities with opportunity for full inclusion in social, economic sporting and cultural life.


The rights and needs of people with disability are considered when developing SALHN services, policies, plans and strategies.

Action/Strategy: SALHN DAIP developed and approved by the SALHN Executive.

SALHN establishes DAIP Governance Group

SALHN policies and procedures, Divisional Safety and Quality and operational plans are inclusive of requirements to meet the rights and needs of people with disability. The actions of the DAIP are embedded in Divisional Safety and Quality and Operational plans.

Lead: SALHN Executive Team, SALHN Executive Team, SALHN PPGP, Divisional Directors

Timeframe:  Medium

Measurable Target: Dedicated section to demonstrate consideration of disability in policies, plans and strategy documents.

Risk: Low


SALHN will provide the opportunity for people with disability to make complaints and compliments.

Action/Strategy: Ensure that feedback mechanisms are flexible so that there are no barriers for people with disability wishing to make complaints and provide feedback.

Lead: Consumer Advisory Services

Timeframe:  Short

Measurable Target: Provide flexible mechanisms to receive feedback.

Risk: Medium

Action/Strategy: Consumers are provided information regarding complaint and feedback systems on admission.

Lead: Consumer Advisory Services, Admissions

Timeframe:  Short

Measurable Target: Consumers are provided with information at Admissions.

Risk: Medium

Action/Strategy: Review complaints and compliments received related to disability access and inclusion, identify any trends or recurring issues and develop appropriate strategies to address.

Lead: Consumer Advisory Services, Consumer Engagement Coordinator, Partnering with Consumers Advisory Group

Timeframe:  Ongoing

Measurable Target: Record and report data on annually to Partnering with Consumers Advisory Group. Regular reports provided to Clinical Divisions

Risk: Medium


Enhance opportunities for people with a disability to play an active role in decision making through best practice community engagement and participation processes.

Action/Strategy: Strengthen SALHN consultation processes to increase participation of people with disability in decision making.

Lead: Consumer Engagement Coordinator

Timeframe:  Ongoing

Measurable Target: People with disability or their carers are involved in consumer engagement activities.

Risk: Low

Theme 3: Accessible Communities

  • Universal design across South Australia
  • Accessible and available information
  • Access to services

Outcome 4. Personal and Community Support

People with disability, their families and carers have access to a range of supports to assist them to live independently and actively engage in their communities.


Ensure Carers are recognized and support provided

Action/Strategy: Procedures put in place to support SA Partnering with Carers Policy Directive developed. (align with SA Health policy directive and Carers Recognition Act)

Lead: Consumer Engagement Coordinator

Timeframe:  Medium

Measurable Target: Procedure put in place to support Carers

Risk: Medium


Ensure that any events organized ensure access for people with disability, including employees of SALHN.

Action/Strategy: Review events plan and checklist for staff to use when planning events to include information regarding access for people with disability.

Update RSVP statement to allow invitees to indicate if they have special requirements.

Lead: Media and Communications

Timeframe:  Short and Ongoing

Measurable Target: Checklist developed and used by staff. Planned events are accessible for people with disability.

Risk: Medium


Develop and maintain positive relationships with the Southern Adelaide disability service providers to facilitate access to services.

Action/Strategy: Staff are made aware of the operational working arrangements with the services and supported by documentation.

Lead: Executive Director, Allied Health

Timeframe:  Ongoing

Measurable Target: Regular communication with staff, regular meetings.

Risk: Low


Implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Action/Strategy: SALHN to work with SA Health and wellbeing in development of NDIS/SA operational plan.

SALHN NDIS working group to be developed to scope and implement scheme roll out in southern Adelaide.

Lead: Executive Director, Allied Health

Timeframe:  Short

Measurable Target: SALHN services, staff and consumers are engaged and prepared for full scheme roll out January 2018.

Risk: Medium


SALHN partners with carers to support people with disabilities

Action/Strategy: Care delivery and discharge planning is inclusive of Carer consideration and involvement.

Carer expertise and knowledge about patients is valued and actively sought to assist when patients with disabilities present or are admitted within SALHN.

  • Recognition of the relationship and knowledge, as well as involvement of carers accompanying patients
  • Open communication with carers
  • Encourage carer feedback about services that they have received and any additional assistance SALHN can provide.

Investigate the option of discounted or free parking for unpaid carers (family) who are supporting inpatients and are present for 6-8hrs per day.

Lead: Clinical Divisions

Timeframe:  Short

Measurable Target: Partnering with Carers documentation and guideline developed.

Risk: Low


Care delivery and discharge plan inclusive of carers

Action/Strategy: On Admission ensure identification of key person/ contact for patient

Provide clear two way communication to carers and allow them to clarify needs and patient care considerations (this may need to be in a variety of formats).

Develop a resource package for Carers that is provided to them on admission (organization wide). - this should contain details of ward, telephone numbers, ward routine as well as information regarding hospital facilities etc.

Lead:  Clinical Divisions

Timeframe: Short Ongoing

Measurable Target: Regular communication with Carers.

Risk: Low

Outcome 6. Health and Wellbeing

People with disability are supported to attain the highest possible health throughout their lives.


People who have difficulty speaking, hearing, understanding, seeing and/or reading are not compromised or disadvantaged throughout the continuum of care, including: 

  • involvement in care planning
  • discharge planning 
  • obtaining information on rights  and responsibilities consent.

Action/Strategy: SALHN clinical staff document in patient care records any specific communication requirements of the client/parent/carer. People with disability have access to their own devices and technology to assist with communication  whilst  at  SALHN.

Discussion regarding ongoing care plan/discharge planning is discussed with the client. 

Discharge information is made available to patients with disability in an accessible format.

Lead: Clinical Divisions

Timeframe: Ongoing

Measurable Target: Client communication requirements are documented in case records.

Risk: High


Patients with communication difficulties are able to express needs including pain, thirst, hunger and emotions to clinical staff

Action/Strategy: Determine suitable mechanisms for patients with severe communication difficulties to express pain/ discomfort/needs

Lead: Clinical Divisions, Consult with Speech Pathology as necessary and other Allied Health as appropriate.

Timeframe: Medium

Measurable Target: Establish and communicate mechanisms to staff.

Risk: High

Theme 4: Learning and Employment

  • Better supports within educational and training settings
  • Skill development through volunteering and support in navigating the pathway between learning and earning
  • Improved access to employment opportunities and better support within workplaces

Outcome 5. Learning and Skills

People with disability achieve their full potential through their participation in an inclusive, high quality, education system that is responsive to their needs. People with disability have opportunities to continue learning throughout their lives.


SALHN staff and volunteers are aware of the rights and needs of people with disability and the relevant policies and requirements of the Disability Services Act.

Action/Strategy: SALHN will ensure all staff have access to contemporary disability awareness and disability discrimination awareness training. 

SALHN will ensure that all staff undertake this training at induction and orientation.

Include a regular update or feature on disability access and inclusion in Health in the South (the SALHN Newsletter).


Timeframe: Medium

Measurable Target: 90% staff compliance with Disability Awareness Training

Risk: Medium

Theme 4: Learning and Employment

  • Better supports within educational and training settings
  • Skill development through volunteering and support in navigating the pathway between learning and earning
  • Improved access to employment opportunities and better support within workplaces

Outcome 2. Economic Security and Employment

People with disability, their families and carers have economic security, enabling them to plan for the future and exercise choice and control over their lives.


The rights and needs of people with disability are considered for our workforce.

Action/Strategy: Ensure HR Policies and procedures support access and inclusion in the SALHN workforce.

Identify barriers to inclusion of people with a disability.

Ensure information is provided on Disability Awareness Training.

Implement a process that encourages employees to self-identify if they live with a disability.

Lead: Chief Workforce Officer

Timeframe:  Medium

Measurable Target: Updated policies.  Training completed. An accurate reflection of workforce numbers living with a disability.


Employees who live with a disability or who are carers for people who live with a disability are supported within SALHN.

Action/Strategy: Ensure staff and managers are aware of flexible employment options available.

Promote reasonable supports and adjustment to the workplace to accommodate disability.

Lead: Chief Workforce Officer

Timeframe:  Medium


SALHN employment of people living with disability does not reflect the community we serve.

Action/Strategy: Explore pathways to employment through collaboration with Disability Employment Service (DES) providers, the not-for-profit sector and community stakeholders.

Recruitment advertising promotes support for people living with disability.

Lead: Chief Workforce Officer

Timeframe: Medium


Meaningful volunteering opportunities are provided with people living with disability.

Action/Strategy: Explore volunteering opportunities for people living with disability to obtain work experience.

Lead: Chief Workforce Officer

Timeframe: Medium