SALHN Strategic Plan

On behalf of the SALHN Governing Board and Executive, we are proud to release the SALHN Strategic Plan 2023-2027 (PDF 1MB), of which you played such an important role in shaping.

The journey to refresh the Strategic Plan commenced in April this year, with the aim to explore current health priorities for the Southern Adelaide community and develop a robust and meaningful plan for the future which reflects the collective voices we heard.

Through what has been a genuine collaboration with staff, partners and communities, we have identified our priorities for the next four years and ignited conversations and partnerships across the community.

Our vision

Our vision is striving for exceptional care by working together to improve health and wellbeing for the communities we serve.

Our purpose

Our purpose is working together to improve health and wellbeing for the communities we serve.

Our values

The journey we have been on has also helped us identify a set of core values that underpins our behaviour and sets the tone for how we interact with each other, our consumers, and the communities we serve. At SALHN, our values are empathy, trust and inclusion.

Our priorities

Our priorities are:

  • deliver equitable services
  • provide quality care
  • drive innovation and research
  • look after the workforce
  • inspire through education and learning
  • grow cooperative partnerships.

Our enablers

Technology, Infrastructure, and sustainability will be enablers to support us in bringing the Strategic Plan to life.

Read the SALHN Strategic Plan 2023-2027


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