New Mount Barker Hospital Development
The South Australian Government has committed $320.8 million to the New Mount Barker Hospital Development which will see a major redevelopment on the existing site and provide greater access to high-quality health services closer to home for the expanding population of Mount Barker and the Adelaide Hills region.
The New Mount Barker Hospital will:
- triple inpatient capacity from 34 to 102 beds
- expand capacity in specialist maternity, paediatric, rehabilitation, medical, surgical and palliative care beds
- deliver 35 consult rooms to support community and allied health, Aboriginal health and medical outpatient services
- allow for onsite dispensing pharmacies and pathology laboratories
- establish a new 12-bed mental health unit.
For more information view our brochure (PDF 1863KB) and the frequently asked questions (PDF 1917KB).
Community consultation
Through all stages of the development, our engagement approach will be guided by the New Mount Barker Hospital Engagement Framework which sets out how we will involve the workforce, community and consumers in the engagement process.
We are committed to ensuring the community is engaged and kept informed about the New Mount Barker Hospital Development.
A Community and Consumer Reference Group is consulting with the project team, providing feedback on the planning and designs, and helping ensure the new hospital meets the needs of the community.
We’re also engaging with key stakeholders including the veterans community, First Nations and Peramangk Peoples, and key interest groups such as the Adelaide Hills’ Palliative Care Interest Group.
The project continues to seek feedback from the community and is looking for local residents and hospital users to be a part of future consultation. To express your interest in being involved please contact us via the details provided below.
Concept designs
The Concept Design for the New Mount Barker Hospital has now been finalised and we are pleased to share the New Mount Barker Hospital Project fact sheet (PDF 827KB). This represents a crucial milestone for the delivery for the delivery of the project.
Initial concept designs for the new hospital were released earlier this year and have since been further developed through thorough consultation with key stakeholders including clinicians, workforce, community and consumers.
Planning and design has included careful consideration of health service and site priorities, particularly the delivery of the Government’s 2022 Election Commitment with respect to scope, time and cost, ensuring adequate onsite parking for staff and consumers, and maintaining the safe and continuous operation of the existing hospital during project delivery.
Image 1: Artist’s impression aerial view of the New Mount Barker Hospital, looking across Wellington Road with Mount Barker Summit in the background. Image supplied by Wax Design.
Image 2: Artist’s impression of a paediatric inpatient bedroom to be delivered as a component of the New Mount Barker Hospital. Image supplied by Wax Design.
Image 3: Artist’s impression of the arrival experience at the New Mount Barker Hospital. Image supplied by Wax Design.
The Minister for Planning has already approved some early works for the site, including a range of temporary buildings, service/infrastructure provision and car park alterations. These works will commence on the site in November 2024, under the management of the appointed Managing Contractor, Built.
A separate Development Application has now been lodged for the main hospital works. The application will be publicly notified for a minimum period of 15 business days.
The hospital plans will be made available under State Developments on the PlanSA website during this period. The Mount Barker District Council and relevant state agencies will also be given notice of the application and invited to provide comment.
Members of the public can make formal submissions on the Development Application direct to the State Commission Assessment Panel.
Following the public notification period, the State Commission Assessment Panel will provide advice to the Minister for Planning on the application who will then make the final decision.
Project Updates
Project Update — 11 February 2025 (PDF 2MB)
Vegetation Management
Frequently Asked Questions (PDF 849KB)
Contact us
For any questions or enquiries about the New Mount Barker Hospital Development, please contact us by emailing or phone 1300 317 447 Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.