Barossa Hospital Business case

The State Government is committed to ensuring that the Barossa and surrounding community has the health services it needs now and into the future.

As part of that commitment the Government has provided funding for the development of a business case. The purpose of the business case is to investigate the need for and viability of a new hospital to provide health services in the Barossa.

The Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network (LHN), who deliver State Government health services locally, are leading the development of the business case.


Engagement with communities, stakeholders and health professionals of the Barossa and surrounding areas was a key part of the first phase of the development of the business case and this has taken place across October and early November 2019

The Barossa Hills Fleurieu LHN would like to thank the community for their input into the following engagement activities:

  • Around 100 community members, stakeholders and health professionals attended two open forum workshops held 23 and 24 October 2019. The interactive workshop format produced a large amount of information. This information will be collated, themed and will inform the activity and service profiling for the business case.
  • 164 responses were received to the online survey. This information will undergo further analysis and will also inform the development of the business case.
  • A listening post was held in the Barossa Co-op Mall on Friday 25 October providing an opportunity for members of the community to speak with project staff, receive information and complete hard copy surveys.
  • A clinician engagement workshop was held Wednesday 6 November with around 45 doctors, nurses, allied and mental health clinicians taking part in discussions about the opportunities created by a new Barossa Hospital and the clinical services associated with these opportunities.

Information gained from the collective engagement process will be considered alongside other data and best practice to inform the development of the Barossa Hospital business case which is expected to be completed in the first half of 2020.

Engagement summary

Barossa Hills Fleurieu LHN has developed a ‘Community Information Summary’ which outlines the themes that were heard during community engagement and how the feedback has been utilised.

For more information

Mail: Barossa Hospital Business Case - Project Team
c/- Angaston Hospital
PO Box 270
Angaston SA 5353