Controlled Substances Advisory Council

The Controlled Substances Advisory Council (the Council) is established under section 6 of the Controlled Substances Act 1984 (the Act). The Advisory Council keeps the Controlled Substances legislation under review to ensure it is relevant and effective. 


The Advisory Council consists of ten members appointed by the Governor upon the nomination of the Minister, of whom:

  • One (the presiding member) is an officer or employee of the Department or of another administrative unit of the Public Service, or body incorporated under the Health Care Act 2008, involved in the administration of this Act (section 6(2)(a)); and
  • One is a medical practitioner (section 6(2)(b)); and
  • One is a police officer (section 6(2)(c)); and
  • One is a legal practitioner who, in the opinion of the Minister, has experience in the administration and operation of this Act (section 6(2)(ca)); and
  • Two are persons who, in the opinion of the Minister, have qualifications and extensive experience in the field of chemistry, pharmacy or pharmacology (section 6(2)(d)); and
  • One is a person who, in the opinion of the Minister, has had extensive experience in the manufacture or sale of substances or devices to which the Act applies (section 6(2)(e)); and
  • Two are persons who, in the opinion of the Minister, have a wide knowledge of the factors and issues involved in controlling the manufacture, sale and supply of substances and devices to which the Act applies (section 6(2)(f)); and
  • One is, in the opinion of the Minister, a suitable person to represent the interests of the general public (section 6(2)(g)).

Current membership of the Advisory Council

  • Dr C Reynolds
  • Dr M Reeve
  • M Hubbard
  • Mr G Abroe
  • Ms J Rusalen
  • Ms J  Smith AM
  • Ms M Bowshall (Presiding Member)
  • Ms R Johns
  • Prof A Somogyi
  • Prof P Macintyre


The functions of the Controlled Substances Advisory Council are to:

  • review the substances that are controlled under the Act or that may need to be controlled and the controls that should apply to them
  • advise the Minister for Health and Wellbeing about measures that should be taken in relation to adding, removing or changing the controls
  • monitor the administration and operation of the Act
  • make recommendations to the Minister for changes to the Controlled Substances legislation.

Annual reports

Contact us

 The Office of the Chief Pharmacist  provides the administrative support for the Advisory Council. The Executive Officer for the Council can be contacted on (08) 8204 1944.

Further information

For more information on the Controlled Substances Advisory Council, see the following pages: