The agency's performance (YNLHN Annual Report 2020-21)

Performance at a glance

In 2020-21 the YNLHN achieved the following key performance areas:

  • Meeting targets for the following Tier 1 and Tier 2 SA Health Service Level Agreement Key Performance Indicators:
    • Elective Surgery Timely Admissions across all three categories
    • Hospital – Acquired Complication Rate
    • Consumer Experience – Involved in Decision Making and Feeling Cared about by Staff
    • All Emergency Department 'Seen on Time' triage categories
    • Healthcare – Associated MRSA
    • Critical Errors – Admitted Patient Care and Emergency Department
  • Delivering investment on capital upgrades and equipment in country hospitals and health services
  • Increased referrals to Community and Allied Health Services
  • Increased Home Care Packages
  • Increased NDIS clients
  • Increased Commonwealth Home Support Program Activity

Agency response to COVID-19

YNLHN is supporting the SA Covid Vaccination response with the implementation of a COVID vaccination team located in five hubs within the network. Over 7,203 vaccines were administered as of 30 June 2021.

All health services provide opportunities for testing if the individual is unable to attend one of the hub testing centres.

Telehealth services are utilised to enable children and families, palliative care, residential care, exercise groups and vulnerable clients to stay in touch and receive services. The Child Health and Development Team experienced increased involvement in therapy outside of planned sessions from carers during the telehealth sessions for children.

Agency contribution to whole of Government objectives

More Jobs

Increased staffing to support COVID-19 related activities
Implementation of the YNLHN Central Staffing and Recruitment Team (CenSTAR). This model supports the recruitment of all base nursing, midwifery and aged care workforce through a central candidate pool.

Implementation of an Education and Development Team to support rural undergraduate placement and those undertaking Nursing and Midwifery Transition programs.

Partnership with the Rural Support Service Advanced Clinical Lead Early Childhood Team in submitting funding applications for two positions to commence an Aboriginal Family Birthing Program within the YNLHN.

Lower costs

Costs for consumers were reduced through delivering programs such as:

  • The Patient Assistance Transport Scheme (PATS)
  • Timely elective surgery in rural communities
  • Increasing access to telehealth services
  • Increasing access to Virtual Clinical Care (VCC)
  • Home-based chronic disease monitoring

Commencement of a Nurse-Led Ambulatory Service (NLAS), a hospital avoidance and diversion service that provides out of hospital services including Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy, Emergency Department diversion services and other nursing related treatments or interventions.

The flexible operation of this service enables consumers to attend appointments that meet their lifestyle and clinical needs. As a result, this service has reduced the number of hospital admissions and saved 721 inpatient bed days between January 2020 and 30 June 2021.

Better Services

Commencement of the NLAS reduces hospital admission and operates flexibly to enable community members to attend appointments that meet the lifestyle and clinical needs of the consumer.

Commencement of the Midwifery Caseload Model of Care enabling a single governance model of midwifery service delivery. The model of care enables a continuity of care approach with a dedicated midwife providing ongoing support for a woman through the antenatal, birthing and postnatal periods. The model received a SA Health Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Award in 2021. An evaluation of the model undertaken by UniSA and the Rosemary Bryant Research Centre was due for release in August 2021.

Fortnightly Lymphoedema Clinics were implemented in Wallaroo to ensure our consumers from the Yorke Peninsula area could access this service closer to home. This complements the pre-existing services for the region and the new Lymphoedema Compression Garments Subsidy Scheme.

As well as being a hub for medical and social support, the Tarpari Wellbeing Centre in Port Pirie provides access to weekly GP services and a visiting Optometrist for members of our Aboriginal communities in the upper Yorke Peninsula and Mid North areas.

A Stomal Therapy clinic established at Wallaroo to support consumers from the Yorke Peninsula with stomas. Monthly visits by a Stoma Therapy Nurse providing clinical support and mentorship to local Community Health Nursing Staff and Stoma Resource trained nurses. Telehealth is used for expert input in between clinics. A triage system managed by an experienced Stoma Therapy Nurse triages all stoma therapy referrals.

The telehealth service providing consumers with weekly access to Palliative Care Medical Consultants has been extended until 30 June 2022.

Implementation of a consumer-centred goal-setting process within all Community and Allied Health services to ensure improved consumer outcomes.

Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training delivered to Executive group to increase awareness and understanding of cultural awareness.

Upgrade of the Yorketown procedure room, in addition to the purchase of a portable suction unit and new ultrasound machine

Agency specific objectives and performance

Hospital Services

Indicators Performance
Elective Surgery Timely Admissions
Targets met across all categories
Elective Surgery Overdue Patients
Target = 0 for all categories
Category 1 = 0
Category 2 = 12
Category 3 = 57
COVID-19 impacted results for Category 2 and 3
Critical Errors – Admitted Patient Care.
Target: <=1.0% Achievement: 0.9%
Critical Errors – Emergency Department
Target: <=1.0% Achievement: 0.1%
Emergency Department Seen on Time
Targets met across all categories
Emergency Department Length of Stay <= 4 hours
Target: >=90% Achievement: 82.4%
Emergency Department Length of Stay >24 hours
Target: 0 Achievement: 0
Hospital Acquired Complication Rate
Target: <=1.0% Achievement: 0.2%
Emergency Department activity
34,580 presentations

Acute inpatient activity
7,835 overnight patients
9,988 same-day patients
372 babies delivered
(including 30 ATSI babies)
Chemotherapy activity
1,896 Chemotherapy
treatments across three sites (Clare, Port Pirie, Wallaroo)
Renal Dialysis activity
3,619 Renal Dialysis treatments across three sites (Clare, Maitland, Port Pirie)

Improving access to health services in our  communities

Indicators Performance
Community, Nursing and Allied Health service activity
24,961 referrals were received
A total of 498,073 services were provided
Potentially Preventable Admissions
Target: <=8% Achievement: 5.3%
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) program activity
Active NDIS clients as at 30 June 2021:
  • 123 adults
  • 118 children

Aboriginal Health Programs

Indicators Performance
ATSI – Left at own risk – overnight
Target: <=4.5% Achievement: 7%
ATSI – Left at own risk – Emergency Department
Target: <=3% Achievement: 1.1%
Achievement: 2.2%

Continuous improvement of quality and safety

Indicators Performance
Consumer Experience – Involved in Decision Making
Target: >=85% Achievement: 86%
Consumer Experience – Feeling Cared about by Staff
Target: >=85% Achievement: 96%
Safety Assessment Code (SAC) 1 and 2 incidents
Total SAC 1 & 2 incidents for
2020-21 = 32
Total SAC 1 & 2 incidents for
2019-20 = 19

Aged Care

Indicators Performance
Aged Care Assessment Program (ACAP) assessments
Target (YTD May21) = 902
Achievement (YTD May 21) = 785
Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)
Benchmark = 80% Achievement = 92%
Services Provided = 5,324
Clients = 858
Home Care Packages
1,638 packages provided
Residential Aged Care Occupancy
The average occupied bed days across YNLHN was 78.1%

Corporate performance summary

In 2020-21 YNLHN achieved key performance outcomes, including:

  • Completion of service plans for Port Pirie and Clare
  • Completion of the Yorketown Hospital Procedure Room upgrade

Employment opportunity programs

  • Skilling SA —  Three commencements under the Skilling SA Program with three additional dedicated administrative traineeships due to be advertised in the first quarter of 2021-22 Financial Year
  • Aged Care Traineeships —  Significant preparatory work to commence recruitment to dedicated aged care traineeship roles.
  • Aboriginal Employment Program —  YNLHN employed 4 people who identified as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander through local employment initiatives.
  • Enrolled Nurse Cadet Program —  During 2020-21, three students commenced the program. This targeted recruitment strategy continues to be successful, offering a training and employment pathway for rural people to commence their health careers.

Agency performance management and development systems

Performance Review and Development (PRD)

Performance Review and Development (PRD) is a process for supporting continuous improvement of employees' work performance to assist them to meet SA Health values and objectives

  • 638 YNLHN employees (39.36%) have participated in a PRD review within the six months prior to 30 June 2021.
  • 1151 YNLHN employees (71.01%) have participated in a PRD review within the twelve months prior to 30 June 2021

Work health, safety and return to work programs

Management of work-related injury

The following has been achieved:

  • 14% ($32,543) reduction in direct claims costs
  • 10% ($18,053) reduction in new claims costs
  • 47% ($170,625) reduction in cost of open claims
  • 49% ($3,660) reduction in average cost per new claim
  • Recovery of $215,031 related to MVA.

YNLHN has a collaborative approach between injury management practitioners, human resources practitioners, work health and safety practitioners and YNLHN Managers to support early intervention and proactive return to work. This is particularly important given the significant increase in new claims across the LHN and SA Health in general.

Workplace injury claims

Workplace injury claims Current year 2020-21 Past year 2019-20 % Change (+ / -)
Total new workplace injury claims
42 24 +75.0%
Fatalities 0 0 0.0%
Seriously injured workers* 0 0 0.0%
Significant injuries (where lost time exceeds a working week, expressed as frequency rate per 1000 FTE)

*number of claimants assessed during the reporting period as having a whole person  impairment of 30% or more under the Return to Work Act 2014 (Part 2 Division 5)

Work health and safety regulations

Work health and safety regulations Current year 2020-21 Past year 2019-20 % Change (+ / -)
Number of notifiable incidents (Work Health and Safety Act 2012, Part 3).
6 3 +100.0%
Number of provisional improvement, improvement and prohibition notices (Work Health and Safety Act 2012 Sections 90, 191 and 195). 5 1 +400.0%

Return to work costs**

Return to work costs** Current year 2020-21 Past year 2019-20 % Change (+ / -)
Total gross workers compensation expenditure ($)
Income support payments – gross ($)

**before third party recovery
Data for previous years is available at:

Executive employment in the agency

  • SAES1 — 1 executive

Data for previous years is available at:
The Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment has a workforce information page that provides further information on the breakdown of executive gender, salary and tenure by agency.