Outpatient specialist clinics
This page provides information for GPs seeking to refer patients to Outpatient Specialist Services across the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN), including Flinders Medical Centre, Noarlunga Hospital, The Jamie Larcombe Centre - Veterans mental health precinct, Aldinga GP Plus Health Care Centre, Marion GP Plus Health Care Centre, and Noarlunga GP Plus Super Clinic.
For referral information relating to other sites, please see:
- Central Adelaide Local Health Network – Royal Adelaide Hospital - Outpatients
- Women’s and Children’s Health Network – General practice Hub
Urgent referrals
For urgent referrals, please contact the relevant specialty on-call clinician through Flinders Medical Centre switchboard on (08) 8204 5511 to discuss early review.
Clinic list
- SALHN Outpatient Clinics & Community Services Contact Details (PDF 76KB)
- SALHN A-Z Outpatient Clinic Directory
Outpatient referral information
- SA Health Statewide Clinical Prioritisation Criteria (CPC) - Standardised state-wide referral criteria
- SALHN Outpatient Triage and Referral Guidelines
- SA Health Statewide eReferrals – including tutorials and user guides. The Women’s and Children's Hospital accepts only electronic referrals to outpatient clinics
- Quarterly specialist outpatient waiting time report last report 31 March 2023, published 1 July 2023
- Referral forms and templates for SALHN
- SALHN map, indicative only
The provision of outpatient services will be based on clinical need. Referrals will be assessed and triaged based on the clinical information provided in the referral.
Some clinical services use specific catchment areas, such as Children's Assessment Team at Flinders Medical Centre and Adult community Mental Health Services Map
Referral follow up and requests for clinical information
GP Referral Hotline phone (08) 8204 7886 between 8.30am and 4.00pm, Monday — Friday.
For administrative information on referrals, eg confirming a referral has been received, triaged or appointed, please wait 48 hours after sending the referral before calling, unless the referral is urgent.
Alternatively, contact the relevant clinic directly via SALHN Outpatient Clinics & Community Services Contact Details (PDF 76KB)
Request for clinic letters please contact the GP Liaison Team in FMC Medical Records on:
- phone: (08) 8204 6040
- fax: (08) 8204 3964
- email: healthfmcmedicalrecordsgpliaison@sa.gov.au
Additional clinical resources
Routine process
Routine referrals to Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN) Outpatient specialist clinics should be made by faxing the referral to the relevant clinic using the standard template (or the clinic specific template if available). See Referral forms and templates for SALHN page.
On receipt, routine referrals are triaged to determine their urgency level, which may take up to a few weeks. This triaging process varies between departments and is greatly facilitated by referrals being aligned with the SALHN outpatient referral guidelines if available. Referral guidelines have been developed by some specialities and outline triage categories as well as essential clinical information to allow for safe clinical triaging in a safe and consistent manner. The referring doctor may be asked to provide additional clinical information to assist with the triaging process if essential clinical information needs to be clarified.
Contact is usually made back via letter to the referring doctor and the patient after the referral has been triaged. A letter is usually posted to the patient 3 weeks before the appointment date to confirm appointment details.
Clinical guidance
Additional clinical guidance with suggested GP management and referral pathways can be found at HealthPathways SA or through additional clinical support options. This may assist while the referral is being triaged and/or the patient is waiting to be seen. Further information can be found on the Outpatient Referral Process page.