Accommodation at Flinders Medical Centre

Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) residential accommodation is located approximately 400 metres South of FMC and 500 metres West of Flinders University, on Flinders Drive, Bedford Park.

Note: There is no smoking anywhere within the grounds of the Hospital which includes the Flats, car park or grassed areas.


Preference for accommodation is given in the following order:

  1. Staff or those commencing employment at FMC
  2. International medical elective students
  3. Medical students commencing/currently studying at Flinders University
  4. Flinders University students

Minimum of 4 weeks and maximum of 12 months stay for all categories, negotiable with extension.  

Acceptance of applications depends on the availability of vacant rooms. In some cases where flat accommodation is required but unavailable, bedsit accommodation may be offered until a transfer can be arranged, dependant on availability.

Rent inclusive of out goings

Amended 18 May 2021

  • Bedsit (Single person):  $301 per fortnight (including GST)
  • Three bedroom flat:  $800 per fortnight (including GST)

Invoiced fortnightly.

Please note that government GST rate is a higher charge for the first 27 days of occupancy. For example, bedsit charge is $22.42 per night and a 3 bedroom unit is $40.22 per night.

Tenants will be supplied with bed linen, utensils and dinnerware. Bedsits and units are furnished and equipped with heating/cooling facilities. Bedsits are also equipped with washbasins.  

Parking rates will apply to tenants and charged at $49.50 per fortnight. Permits for parking must be requested from the Accommodation Officer and displayed on vehicles. It is the tenant’s responsibility to ensure permit is current and visible on their vehicle.

How to apply

Accommodation at FMC is in great demand. Please feel free to submit an application to the Accommodation Manager; however applicants are only contacted if an application is successful and accommodation is available to offer.

Please email applications to marking it Attention: Manager FMC Residential Flats.