Tools to assist staff
The Advance Care Directives Act 2013 (SA) and changes to the Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care Act 1995 came into effect on 1 July 2014. Together these changes pave the way for a rights-based, person-centred approach to health care.
See the following tools and information sheets to assist you:
- Advance Care Directive factsheet - A clear path to care (PDF 81KB)
- Advance Care Directive Policy Directive (PDF 507KB)
- Advance Care Directives and Mental Health Treatment Orders
- Changes to the Consent Act (PDF 70KB)
- Consent to Medical Treatment and Health Care Policy Guideline (PDF 2.08MB)
- Consent to Medical Treatment and Healthcare frequently asked questions (PDF 1.11MB)
- Consent to Medical Treatment and Healthcare flowchart (PDF 90KB)
- Consent and Advance Care Directives Fast Facts (PDF 347KB)
- Decision-making capacity fact sheet (PDF 87KB)
- Decision-making pathway for substitute decision makers (PDF 539KB)
- How to Certify Copies of Advance Care Directives fact sheet (PDF 52KB)
- Providing health care in contravention of an Advance Care Directive in the case of suicide or self-harm (PDF 212KB)
- Resuscitation Plan 7 Step Pathway (PDF 1.3MB)
- Supporting a person to make their own decision fact sheet (PDF 65KB)
- “What documents do you have?” fact sheet (PDF 1753KB)