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An information guide for organisations delivering immunisation programs
The Controlled Substances (Poisons) Regulation 2011, sub-regulation 18(3) provides authorisation for a registered health practitioner determined by the Minister, to administer vaccine without a medical order. The authorisation is conditional to the administration being in accordance with the Vaccine Administration Code (PDF 1MB).
To meet the requirements of the legislation, a vaccine must be administered by:
For further information see the following pages:
Recognised health facilities are organisations that do not need to seek approval from the Minister for Health and Wellbeing (the Minister). These organisations include incorporated hospitals, SA Ambulance Service, councils and council subsidiaries.
Organisations wanting to administer vaccines as part of a specified immunisation program without medical orders require approval from the Minister.
Organisations employing authorised registered health practitioners to deliver immunisation programs without a medical order require approval from the Minister.
The minimum requirements must be in place to support the delivery of safe, high-quality immunisation services by authorised registered health practitioners, including independent accreditation to an appropriate quality standard recognised by SA Health.
Recognised quality standards include:
Please refer to the ACSQHC website for further information, email AdviceCentre@safetyandquality.gov.au, or phone 1800 304 056.
Organisations that cannot demonstrate accreditation to an appropriate quality standard recognised by SA Health are unable to apply, and organisations currently approved under the Code that cannot demonstrate accreditation to an appropriate quality standard recognised by SA Health will no longer be able to operate under the auspice of the Code. For enquiries on current contracts, please contact the organisation’s contractor.
The Organisations delivering immunisation programs: Information guide PDF 383KB) outlines the requirements to become, or continue as, an approved organisation. The information guide should be read in conjunction with completion of the Application for approval as an organisation delivering immunisation programs (PDF 2MB) (the application form must be downloaded and saved to your computer to enable full functionality).
Organisations are required to notify the Communicable Disease Control Branch of any change of organisational details:
In addition, organisations seeking approval will need to apply to register with the Australian Immunisation Register. See Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) - application to register as a vaccination provider form (IM004). This form needs to be emailed to Health.CDCBOrganisationApprovals@sa.gov.au for endorsement by the Immunisation Section, Department for Health and Wellbeing, South Australia.
See the list of SA Health approved organisations (PDF 118KB) to deliver immunisation services in South Australia.