SA Child and Adolescent Health Community of Practice

The statewide Child and Adolescent Health Community of Practice (CAHCoP) comprises of a team of health care clinicians from metropolitan and country health, working in child and adolescent health, who together with consumer representatives and Primary Health Networks are responsible for developing sustainable, high quality, equitable state wide services for children and adolescents in South Australia.

Strategic Executive Committee

The CAHCoP Strategic Executive Committee is responsible for developing the priorities, standards and other related outcomes relevant to contemporary paediatric practice across South Australia. It provides statewide governance for child and adolescent health services within South Australia; and continues to provide clinical leadership and involvement in the development and application of paediatric clinical standards, guidelines and protocols.

The CAHCoP Strategic Executive Committee is currently Co-Chaired by Dr Dimi Simatos and Dr John Widger. View the SA Child and Adolescent Health Community of Practice membership list (PDF 158KB).

CAHCoP Strategic Executive Committee meetings are held monthly. 

View the CAHCoP Strategic Executive Committee’s Terms of Reference (PDF 368KB).

SA Paediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines Reference Group

The SA CAHCoP Strategic Executive Committee oversees the statewide Paediatric Clinical Practice Guideline Reference Group, which offers clinical leadership of Paediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines endorsed for use within South Australia. 

Instructions for accessing approved state and national paediatric clinical practice guidelines can be found on the SA Paediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines web page.

For more information contact

Principal Project Manager
Phone:  (08) 8161 9288