Engagement with our clinicians at Yorke and Northern Local Health Network

The Yorke and Northern Local Health Network (YNLHN) 2021-2026 Clinician Engagement Strategy (PDF 10MB) outlines how the YNLHN will engage with our clinicians to plan, design, and deliver YNLHN health services for the 2021 – 2026 period. 

We recognise the importance of engaging with our clinicians to advance consumer care and health services in the YNLHN.

Our clinicians includes clinicians, non-clinicians, visiting medical specialists, Rural Support Service staff, contractors, volunteers and partners who work together as a team to care for our communities.

We will engage with our clinicians:

  • to ensure the provision of effective health services
  • to ensure and improve the safety and quality of health services
  • in the planning and design of health services
  • in the monitoring and evaluation of service delivery.

 The strategy has been developed by a group of clinicians across multiple disciplines and diverse backgrounds. 

Our clinicians were consulted during the development to identify current engagement strategies and identify areas for improvement.

The strategy will continue to be reviewed to ensure it continues to meet the changing needs and demands of the YNLHN and the communities to whom YNLHN provide health care.

The Clinician Engagement Strategy works in conjunction with the YNLHN 2020-2025 Strategic Plan (PDF 444KB) and the YNLHN 2020-2025 Consumer and Community Engagement Strategy (PDF 2MB).