Each quarter, the LCLHN publishes the LCLHN Community Update, available online and in print. In this publication, you will be able to read about important health updates and service developments
which impact our community. You will also read about key events and new public initiatives, as well as news from our Health Advisory Councils (HAC’s).

Complete this form to subscribe to the quarterly Limestone Coast Local Health Network Community Update.

Current edition

Edition 5: 2023/2024: In this issue, we highlight the success of the Keith and District Hospital transition to the LCLHN, following almost two years of community consultation, give you a sneak preview into the upgrades at Naracoorte Hospital, showcase our worthy award winners from the LCLHN Staff Awards and recap on our very busy events season, which included hosting the Regional Health Advisory Council Conference.

Past editions

Winter 2023: In this issue, you will find articles about the generous donation of artwork bringing joy to future patients, Electronic Medical Record expanding across the Limestone Coast, updates from the Bordertown and District Health Advisory Council, new LCLHN Governing Board Appointments, Penola Activity Shed opens its doors to the community, an Aboriginal Health update • LCLHN volunteer drive, New CT Machine for Naracoorte, an update on Keith and District Healthcare and we profile Tracey Anderson, LCLHN Volunteer Coordinator.

Autumn 2023: We share the progress we have made so far to implement the Mount Gambier and Districts Health Service: Service Plan. Other articles include a profile on our new Consumer Advisor, Victoria Wilson, useful advice from SA Pathology on what happens during a blood test and updates from the Mount Gambier and Districts Health Advisory Council and Kingston/Robe Health Advisory Council.

Summer 2023: You’ll find stories including local sisters Cheyenne and Gabrielle Smith who have qualified through the Nursing Cadetship, winners and finalists in our LCLHN Staff Awards, a focus on the Millicent and District Hospital and Health Service and an interview with Barrie Moyle, the Presiding Member for the Naracoorte and Area Health Advisory Council.


If you have any feedback we would love to hear it, please email Health.LCLHNCommunications@sa.gov.au