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SA Health research offices contact details for all the SA Health Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) Executive Officers and Research Governance Officers.
Research GEMS is SA Health’s research governance and ethics management system, allowing researchers to:
All SA Health sites accept new, greater than low risk applications for ethics and site assessments through Research GEMS. Research that is deemed lower risk as per the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2023) may have a different application and review pathway depending on the local research office processes.
Researchers who are planning to submit a new application are encouraged to contact the relevant research office (PDF 216KB) for guidance and support, particularly for low risk applications. Further information for ethics and governance applications can be found on the Ethics and governance in South Australia page.
User guides are available, with step-by-step instructions for how to navigate the Research GEMS system. If you require further guidance or support, please contact your local research office.
For system support, including account issues, please contact the Research GEMS team on gems@sa.gov.au
We acknowledge The Hospital Research Foundation for their generous support with this project.