Infection control services at Flinders Medical Centre

The Infection Control Nursing Service (ICS) at Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) provides guidance and support in the prevention and control of infections within the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN). The programme includes managing infectious diseases according to evidence based guidelines, auditing hand hygiene compliance, educating staff and reporting on healthcare acquired infections.


The Infection Control Service - Nursing, operates Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 4.00pm, excluding public holidays. Outside normal working hours, infectious diseases doctors are available via switch on phone (08) 8204 5511. Non urgent queries can be emailed to Alternatively, a message can be left on our answering machine, phone (08) 8204 5258.

Contact details

Telephone: (08) 8204 5258


Infectious Disease Clinic at Flinders Medical Centre