Social Work & Counselling Services at Flinders Medical Centre

The Social Work & Counselling Service is available to patients and their families who are currently receiving treatment at Flinders Medical Centre (FMC).

Social workers can assist in the following areas:

  • patients and families in emotional distress due to trauma or illness
  • parents or carers who become ill and have dependants in need of care
  • patients or relatives at risk of abuse
  • grief and loss counselling
  • major life decisions for patients which impact upon health
  • family issues which impact on health or treatment decisions
  • problem solving to assist discharge
  • financial problems
  • accommodation and residential care options
  • individual, group or family counselling
  • Huntington’s Disease Service

Welfare officers extend these services by providing information about accommodation, nursing home or hostel options, and liaison regarding Centrelink entitlements.

Staff contribute to teaching and research related to services provided.


Monday to Friday, 8.45am to 4.45pm.
Closed on public holidays.
Emergency Department Social Work
8.00am to 4.00pm, 7 days.


Referrals can be made via medical, nursing or allied health staff from Flinders Medical Centre. Inpatients and their families can refer themselves.

General practitioners should refer their patients to local community health centres.

Contact details

Telephone: (08) 8204 4144
Fax: (08) 8204 4512
Directions: Social Work Trail Map (PDF 134KB)
Flinders Medical Centre Site Map (PDF 133KB)