Safety Quality & Risk Services at Flinders Medical Centre

The Safety Quality and Risk Unit (Clinical Governance) supports the organisation to deliver high quality, safe care to patients and their families by supporting a number of governance and assurance systems in all sites across the network. These include:


The Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN) is working to ensure its sites meet the requirements of the National Safety & Quality Health Service Standards (second edition).

Consumer feedback

SALHN values patient feedback as a vital method of identifying how consumers experience our services, and as a means of developing improvement strategies. The service aims to ensure that consumers are satisfied with the way their needs and concerns are addressed. For further information please visit the Consumer Advisory Service page.

Access to this service

Any inpatients or outpatients receiving treatment at any site within SALHN, can access the service. You may phone or make written contact.

Consumer engagement

SALHN believes in partnering with its consumers to ensure care is person and family centred care, safe and of high quality.

We know person and family centred care improves clinical outcomes, quality of care, patient experiences and also ensures that the process of delivering care meets the needs of the patient and family.

SALHN recently developed an organisational principle with its Partnering with Consumers Advisory Group, it is 'To Listen, To Act, To Make Better, Together'. It underpins all consumer engagement in designing, planning, implementing and evaluating strategies to strengthen partnerships from the bedside to governance.


Systems are in place to ensure that medical and dental practitioners, nursing, and allied health and scientific professionals have the qualifications, skills and experience to provide the care and services assigned to them. Systems are also in place to ensure that the continued competence of the practitioner is reviewed annually.

Patient safety

The SA Health Safety Learning System (SLS) is in place in all SALHN sites. SLS provides a mechanism for staff to report any patient incidents that did or could cause harm. All reported incidents are reviewed by the manager of the area to ensure that any system/process failings are rectified. Significant events are reported to SA Health and a significant review is conducted by the organisation. Improvements identified through review of incidents are implemented where possible to improve outcomes for future patients.

Risk management

SALHN works to identify and manage risks that may affect impact on the achievement of its strategic and business/clinical objectives. A risk management system is in place within all departments across the organisation.

Quality systems

The Unit supports management teams to review and understand information that evaluates clinical performance vs benchmarks. The organisations uses a number of quality methods to improve care and services including clinical practice improvement, process redesign, TeamSTEPPS (improving teamwork and communication) and human factors analysis.

Contact details

Telephone: (08) 8204 6104