Dental Services at Flinders Medical Centre

Dental Special Needs Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) is responsible for providing dental care within a hospital setting on a referral basis to a broad patient group.

The Dental Department acts as a referral centre for patients specifically requiring:

  • assessment and/or dental management prior to transplantation of organs (heart, liver, kidney, etc)
  • assessment and/or dental management prior to, during and post radiotherapy to head or neck
  • assessment and/or dental management prior to cardiac surgery such as heart valve replacement. This group includes those patients who have recently had cardiac surgery and will still require antibiotic cover prior to invasive dental treatment for six months ie stents, coronary artery bypass grafts. Once patients no longer require cover, they will be discharged to be managed in community dental clinics (if in possession of a HCC or PHBC), or their local private dentist. Cardiac patients with incompetent heart valves will be considered on a case by case basis. The guidelines for this involve the severity/stability of the stenosis or incompetence plus any associated co-morbidity.
  • assessment and/or dental management prior to or during chemotherapy
  • assessment and/or dental management prior to Electro-Convulsive Therapy (ECT)
  • management of dental care where the presence of associated medical issues poses a significant morbidity/mortality risk for routine dental care (haemorrhagic disorders) or where the presence of dental disease is a major factor in the stability of the medical condition (cardiac valve recipients or immune compromised)
  • provision of obturators

The patient population to be managed by Dental Special Needs FMC includes:

  • all FMC inpatients
  • patients referred by medical and dental practitioners, both within and external to FMC
  • medically compromised patients referred by clinical leaders located in South Australian Dental Service (SADS) community dental clinics for a specific course of care or ongoing management

Dental treatment includes extractions, restorations, scaling and cleaning as well as provision of splints and obturators. Fixed prostheses and orthodontic appliances are specifically excluded from the scope of care. There is provision for management of orofacial pathology beyond the expertise of the department by referral to the Department of Oral & Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Adelaide Dental Hospital.

If there is any concern regarding appropriateness of referral, the manager of Dental Special Needs FMC should be consulted and will assess any such case on an individual basis.


Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 4.00pm.

There are no formal 'after hours' dental services provided by Dental FMC. In case of urgent dental issues arising after hours (ie swollen face of dental origin, severe oral haemorrhage or avulsed/loosened tooth/teeth), contact the Oral & Maxillo-Facial Surgery Registrar on call at the Royal Adelaide Hospital on (08) 8222 4000 for advice in the first instance. That person may arrange further management depending upon the nature of the dental issue.


FMC patients may be referred by medical staff within FMC, where the dental situation can affect or be affected by the patient’s medical condition. Staff should ensure that name and contact details of the referring doctor are clear and legible on the referral.

Inpatients of the hospital with a dental emergency during their admission may have the immediate dental problem dealt with.

Community patients are referred to Dental Special Needs FMC by the clinical leader of the referring community dental clinic (using Form Z). Treatment is by appointment only.

Contact details

Location: Level 2
Telephone: (08) 8204 4188
Fax: (08) 8204 5652


Dental Clinic at Flinders Medical Centre