Sexually transmitted infections

Sexually transmitted infections  - or STIs - are infections that can be passed on through vaginal, anal or oral sex. Most STIs are transmitted in sexual fluids, but some can be passed on from skin-to-skin genital contact. They can be caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites.

Most STIs have no symptoms and you might never know you have been infected with one. But if you do get symptoms, the most common ones are pain when peeing, sores or blisters, genital lumps, discharge from your vagina or penis, pelvic pain or unusual vaginal bleeding. 

All sexually active people are at risk of STI’s. It’s important to get tested even if you have no symptoms.

STIs and related conditions include:

Where to get more information on STIs

At Adelaide Sexual Health Centre (ASHC) we provide a free, confidential service which includes advice, testing and treatment for all sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV. 

Alternatively you can see the following pages: