Licensing information for the pest control industry
If your work in South Australia requires the use of pesticides, you need to follow all the rules to protect people and the environment. You will require an appropriate licence issued by Controlled Substances Licensing (CSL) in SA Health. Alternatively, you may be eligible for an exemption, mutual recognition or automatic mutual recognition status.
Types of pesticide licences
There are three different types of pesticide licence, each having one or more endorsements. The three types of licence issued are:
- Pest Controller’s licence − this is the business licence. All pest management technicians must work under a Pest Controller’s licence, either their own (e.g. owner operators), or their employer’s.
- Limited Pest Management Technician (LPMT) − the holder of this licence is entitled to carry out pest control work, but only under the supervision of a FPMT licence holder. If you have not started or completed the courses required for the type of pest control work you wish to do, you must first obtain a LPMT licence. It is a condition of licence that the holder will undertake the relevant courses as soon as practicable from the date the licence is issued. A LPMT licence can only be held for a maximum period of two years.
- Full Pest Management Technician (FPMT) − the holder of a FPMT licence can undertake pest control work without supervision. To be eligible for a FPMT licence, you need to have successfully completed the courses relevant to the type of pest control work you will be doing and have received your final assessment results. FPMTs are issued a photo ID card. A nominated FPMT may supervise a LPMT.
Pest control endorsements and training competency units
All pesticide licences are issued with endorsements. Endorsements show what kinds of pesticides may be used and what kinds of pest control work may be undertaken.
It is an offence to do pest control work that your licence is not endorsed for.
The type of pest control work you wish to do, and have your licence endorsed with, determines which training courses (or ‘training competency units’) you must do.
To find out more visit Pest control endorsements and training competency units.
All pesticide licences are issued with endorsements. Endorsements show what kinds of pesticides may be used and what kinds of pest control work may be undertaken.
It is an offence to do pest control work that your licence is not endorsed for.
The type of pest control work you wish to do, and have your licence endorsed with, determines which training courses (or ‘training competency units’) you must do.
To find out more visit Exemptions from requirements for a pesticide licence (PDF 130KB)
Mutual recognition (and automatic mutual recognition)
Mutual recognition recognises that a person who is licensed in another state, territory or in New Zealand for their work, is entitled to have their pest control licence recognised by Controlled Substances Licensing (CSL) in SA Health.
There are different types of mutual recognition depending on whether you are moving to South Australia as your primary place of residence or work (mutual recognition) or undertaking temporary work (automatic mutual recognition).
To find out more visit Automatic mutual recognition of pest management licensing.
Applying for a pest control licence
All pesticide licences and exemptions in South Australia are applied for online. These include:
- Pest Controller’s (Business) licence
- Pest Management Technician’s licence
- Statement of Exemption
- upgrade from a Limited Pest Management Technician’s Licence to a Full Pest Management Technician’s Licence.
To find out more and apply visit Pesticides regulations and licence applications.
Fees for 2023/24
- Pest Controller’s licence is $383.00 for 1 year or $1149.00 for 3 years
- Pest Technician is $94.50 for 1 year or $284.00 for 3 years
- LPMT Extension is $37.00
The regulations under controlled substances law specify the substances that are controlled and the details of the controls.
For more information visit Regulations under the controlled substances legislation.