The NSQHS describes those actions needed to keep patients safe and provide quality care. Standard 5: Comprehensive Care, outlines specific requirements of all SA Health Services in the area of falls.

5.24 The health service organisation providing services to patients at risk of falls has systems that are consistent with best-practice guidelines for:

  • falls prevention
  • minimising harm from falls
  • post-fall management.

5.25 The health service organisation providing services to patients at risk of falls ensures that equipment, devices and tools are available to promote safe mobility and manage the risks of falls.
5.26 Clinicians providing care to patients at risk of falls provide patients, carers and families with information about reducing falls risks and falls prevention strategies.

The Standard 5 falls prevention criteria are based on the National guidelines Preventing falls and harm from falls – best practice for Australian hospitals, residential aged care and community care, 2009 Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care.