Resuscitation Plan 7 Step Pathway for health professionals

Quality of life can be improved by health care teams by partnering early with a patient, Substitute Decision-Makers (SDMs), Person Responsible or significant others in making and documenting shared decisions about end-of-life treatment and care.

What is Resuscitation Planning - 7 Step Pathway?

A standardised process for the development and implementation of a clinical care plan which documents treatment decisions relating to a patient’s resuscitation and end-of-life care.

About the Resuscitation Planning - 7 Step Pathway

SA Health has developed a Clinical Directive and Toolkit, which will support health services to focus action on delivering safe and high-quality end-of–life care

Resuscitation Planning Clinical Directive and toolkit

Clinical Directive – Resuscitation Planning- 7 Step Pathway - outlines the requirements for SA Health employees to provide a standardised, patient-centred, best practice approach to planning for resuscitation and other care for an adult patient who is at end-of-life.

This complements and promotes compliance with:

The map of documents (PDF 59KB) will assist also in navigating the other related policy and legislation requirements.


Fact sheets


Education and training

  • Tool 4 – Education and Training Framework for Resuscitation Planning- 7 Step Pathway (PDF 134KB) - Assists health services in identifying and meeting their obligations to ensure that all workers receive sufficient training, instruction and supervision.
  • eLearning course Resuscitation Planning – 7 Step Pathway - This course is in two tiers. The first tier focuses on introducing the Resuscitation Plan- 7 Step Pathway, guiding all staff on how they can ensure safe and high-quality resuscitation planning that is patient and family/carer centred. The second tier is aimed at health care workers providing direct clinical care, using case studies to explore how to successfully put resuscitation planning into practice. The course will take approximately 75 minutes to complete. Access to the course is via SA Health internal education portals.
  • Access for Nurse Practitioners and Specialist Palliative Care RNs external to SA Health is via the Launch Learning Online page or email


Clinical Governance Unit