Message from the Minister for Health and Wellbeing (Voluntary Assisted Dying Board Annual Report 2023-24)

Hon. Chris Picton MP, Minister for Health and WellbeingI thank the Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board for this highly informative second Annual Report into Voluntary Assisted Dying in South Australia for 2023-24.

In South Australia’s voluntary assisted dying program is underpinned by the 70 safeguards in the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021 (the Act) and the work of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board to ensure compliance with the Act.

I had the opportunity to attend the Voluntary Assisted Dying Day of Reflection on 14 April 2024 and to meet with family, friends and loved ones of those who were able to choose voluntary assisted dying to end their life in 2023. It was deeply moving to hear from members of the community and clinicians regarding their experiences supporting their loved ones and patients.

Voluntary assisted dying would not be available without the commitment and dedication of our trained Medical Practitioners in hospitals and the community, Care Navigators, VAD Liaisons, VAD Pharmacists and operational staff. I sincerely acknowledge the exceptional support that you provide to patients and families on the voluntary assisted dying pathway and recognise the personal toll that your work may take at times.

The Hon Chris Picton MP

Hon Chris Picton MP is the Minister for Health and Wellbeing in South Australia. The Minister oversees health, wellbeing, mental health, ageing well, substance use and suicide prevention.