Information for medical practitioners contracted by regional local health networks
Rural general practitioners (GPs) and medical trainees
A new Rural General Practitioner Agreement (GPA) came into effect on 1 February 2024. It reflects the importance of rural GPs in South Australia, and their current and ever-increasing integral role in delivering the best care to regional communities. The Agreement was negotiated between the Rural Support Service (RSS), the AMA(SA) and the RDASA and marks a positive new beginning for working relationships and collaboration between GPs and regional Local Health Networks (LHNs) in which GPs provide valuable services.
Highlights of the new SA Health Rural GP Agreement 2024-28:
A significant increase of 3% to the sessional hourly rates, commensurate with the work and contribution that rural GPs provide local communities.
SAMSOF loadings increased by 2.9%.
GPs are paid the new rates from 1 February 2024, for the services they currently provide.
A one-off recognition payment of $5,000 to acknowledge GPs service and ongoing commitment to South Australian rural and regional communities. This is for each current GP signing on to a new GPA by 30 June 2024.
The rural attraction payment of up to $50,000 for GPs beginning practice and providing hospital services in MMM 6 and 7 sites continues.
The rural attraction payment has now been expanded to MMM 5 sites, with a payment of up to $10,000. The expansion is to encourage new doctors into more South Australian country towns, including Mount Pleasant, Kapunda, Eudunda, Barmera, Meningie, Mannum, Renmark, Waikerie, Bordertown, Kingston, Millicent, Penola, Clare, Wallaroo, Crystal Brook, and Jamestown.
A new Non-Clinical Engagement Plan ensures GPs are appropriately remunerated for a range of important and mutually enriching non-clinical commitments and activities in which they participate. For example, regional LHN required meetings, specified teaching, training and supervision, and other essential hospital-based activities.
A joint working party between AMA(SA), RDASA and RSS will work together to support implementation of the new GPA and provide continued collaboration over the life of the Agreement.
Resources for contracted GPs, practice managers, and support staff
For contracted GPs or support staff, please head to the Rural GP Hub, part of the SA Health intranet for regional LHNs, where you’ll find more information and resources about the GPA including claim forms. Access to the Rural GP Hub and SA Health Network is available for contracted GPs and practice managers and support staff. Please complete this form to request access. If you need any help with your access, please email the Rural Support Service at
Specialists and locums
The following information and resources are for Specialists and Locums contracted by regional local health networks.
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