SA Rural Aboriginal Health Workforce Plan

The SA Rural Aboriginal Health Workforce Plan has been developed by the SA Rural Aboriginal Health Working Group, chaired by Sharon Perkins, Director of Aboriginal Health, Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network under the leadership of the Rural Health Workforce Strategy Steering Committee, chaired by Dr Hendrika Meyer, Chief Clinical Advisor, Rural Support Service.

The SA Rural Aboriginal Health Workforce Plan (PDF 9.3MB) was released by the Minister for Health and Wellbeing, the Hon. Stephen Wade MLC, on 7 December 2021.

The SA Rural Aboriginal Health Workforce Plan outlines specific and culturally informed strategies to attract, retain, grow and support the Aboriginal health workforce within regional local health networks. Improving health and employment outcomes for Aboriginal people is everyone’s business. All regional local health networks are accountable for implementation of the strategies within this plan and will drive changes to support the current and future Aboriginal health workforce at the local level. This plan will contribute to developing a South Australian health workforce that is representative of the populations it serves and work to deliver culturally safe and responsive health services for Aboriginal people.

The plan contains the following themes and objectives:

Theme one – Culturally safe workplaces

  • Objective 1a – Provide a culturally safe workplace, free from racism
  • Objective 1b – Acknowledge and value the skills, experience and cultural knowledge of the Aboriginal workforce

Theme two – Growing the Aboriginal health workforce

  • Objective 2a – Improve recruitment practices and processes for the rural Aboriginal health workforce
  • Objective 2b – Increase education and training opportunities
  • Objective 2c – Address and increase Aboriginal retention across all health professions

Theme three – Enhance Aboriginal leadership and engagement in health services

  • Objective 3a – Ensure Aboriginal representation in the leadership and governance of health services
  • Objective 3b – Develop sustainable Aboriginal health workforce models
  • Objective 3c – Develop and implement strategic, responsive and proactive workforce planning to increase the representation of Aboriginal people within health services

Theme four – Developing a collaborative and coordinated health system

  • Objective 4a – Share the responsibility for Aboriginal health outcomes and workforce requirements across the state
  • Objective 4b – Collaborate to support a culturally safe, responsive and sustainable Aboriginal workforce

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