Training and events for health and medical researchers

SA Health supports the training and education of researchers, staff and students. There are a variety of events and resources available which are listed below.

Please contact the event host or relevant organisation for any questions about these resources. If you would like to have your event or resource included, or have any questions regarding this page, contact

Events calendar

The following upcoming health and medical research events associated with SA Health:

  • International clinical trials day, 20 May 2025


The following resources are offered by SA Health and other organisations for the ongoing training and development of researchers and other professionals.

ACRS Australia - ARCS is a professional community for therapeutic goods development, offering education, competency building and advocacy to its members.

Australian Clinical Trials Education Centre (A-CTEC) - A-CTEC aims to strengthen Australia's clinical trials workforce by providing free, accessible, and evidence-based education and training tailored to all experience levels. It serves all professionals involved in clinical trials, from coordinators to research staff, across various health service settings nationwide.

Allied health research support and skills training - The Allied and Scientific Health Office in partnership with the Innovation in IMPlementation and Clinical Translation (IIMPACT) group at the University of South Australia, supports allied health research knowledge and evidence implementation. It offers a variety of research skills training and capacity development opportunities including training and resources, mentoring and utilisation of students to support research.

CALHN research events - Research events and news associated with the Central Adelaide Local Health Network.

Global Health Training Centre - The Global Health Network, collaborating organisations, institutions and networks offer free training to research staff of all roles, all regions and all disease areas with the ‘how-to’ training materials required to safely conduct high quality research.

Health Translation SA: Training - Health Translation SA is a research translation centre that accelerates the transformation of research into real-world health improvements for South Australians. It offers courses and training opportunities for researchers, clinicians and policymakers.

NHMRC clinical trials toolkit - The NHMRC offers a range of tools and useful resources for researchers conducting clinical trials in Australia.

PRAXIS Australia - PRAXIS Australia provides clinical research education and training to build the confidence and capability of those working in clinical trials, research and ethics.

SAMHRI: monthly scientific seminars - SAMHRI hosts a monthly scientific seminar series on a range of research topics presented by SA’s leading researchers. Recordings of past seminars are available to the public.

WCHN research training seminars - A monthly lunchtime research training seminar series for all Women’s and Children’s Health Network staff involved, or interested, in research. Recordings of past seminars are available to the public.