Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network mental health services
For an overview of mental health services provided in regional South Australia, please visit the Regional Mental Health Services page.
Need support?
If you feel that you may be in need of mental health support and have never accessed a mental health service before, have a chat with your GP.
Urgent mental health assistance
If you require urgent mental health assistance, please call the mental health triage service (the Rural and Remote Distance Consultation and Emergency Triage and Liaison Service) 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 13 14 65.
Areas we cover
The Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network covers areas including the Riverland and the Murray River, Lakes and Coorong areas in South Australia, extending east to the Victorian border. This area includes the towns and surrounds of:
- Renmark
- Paringa
- Berri
- Barmera
- Waikerie
- Loxton
- Pinnaroo
- Lameroo
- Karoonda
- Mannum
- Murray Bridge
- Tailem Bend
- Meningie.
Mental health services in our area
Below is a list of mental health services within the Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network:
Murray Mallee Mental Health Service
Address: 104 Swanport Road, Murray Bridge
Postal Address: PO Box 346, Murray Bridge SA 5253
Phone: (08) 8535 6800
Fax: (08) 8535 6987
Riverland Integrated Mental Health Service
Address: Cornwall Street, Berri SA 5343
Community Mental Health Services
Phone: (08) 8580 2525
Triage: (08) 8580 2445
Fax: (08) 8580 2620
Inpatient Unit
Phone: (08) 8580 2812
Fax: (08) 8580 2877
For queries regarding job vacancies, please contact (08) 8580 2500
Community Mental Health Rehabilitation Service
The Community Mental Health Rehabilitation Service is located in Whyalla and operated by the Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network but is available to all residents living in regional South Australia. For more information, please visit the Community Mental Health Rehabilitation Service page.