Colorectal Surgery outpatient service in CALHN

The Central Adelaide Colorectal Surgical Units of the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) and The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH) provides inpatient and outpatient services for patients living in the Central Adelaide Local Health Network area who suffer from colorectal surgical disorders as well as a tertiary referral service for complex colorectal conditions from both South Australia and interstate.

Services are also provided to patients referred from rural and remote areas.

Children aged less than 18 years of age are usually managed by paediatric surgeons with referral to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. For those between the ages of 15 and 18 years, discussion with both adult and paediatric surgeons may be appropriate to determine the most appropriate referral pathway.

Appointment location

Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH)

Outpatient clinics are held on Level 3 (ground floor) of the RAH

Royal Adelaide Hospital
1 Port Road SA 5000

RAH Outpatient map

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH)

Outpatient Department, Area 1
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
28 Woodville Road, Woodville SA 5011

TQEH map (PDF 341KB)



  • Dr Michelle Thomas – Head of Unit
  • Dr Mark Lewis
  • Dr Andrew Hunter
  • A/Prof Tarik Sammour
  • Dr James Moore
  • Dr Matthew Lawrence


  • Dr Shanthan Ganesh
  • Dr David Rodda
  • Prof Peter Hewett
  • Dr Darren Tonkin
  • Dr Jono Yong

GP information

Refer your patient

Fax referral to us

For emergencies, contact the Registrar on-call via the hospitals' switchboard telephone:

RAH: (08) 7074 0000 or

TQEH: (08) 8222 6000

To make a referral


  • Fax: (08) 7074 6247
  • Telephone: 1300 153 853


  • Fax: (08) 8222 7188
  • Telephone: (08) 8222 7030

We accept GP and specialist referrals to this service. 

All referrals are triaged by the service according to clinical urgency. Patients who are unstable and requiring immediate assessment should be sent directly to the Emergency and Trauma Centre

To refer your patient, follow the outpatient service information, triage and referral guidelines, complete and fax a referral to us. For urgent referrals, also contact the registrar on call to discuss the case. Our registrars are on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Clinical features indicative or potentially serious pathology

  • Patients who have a palpable abdominal mass, malignant mass on rectal (PR) examination, radiological evidence of carcinoma or intra-abdominal abscess/sepsis.
  • Atypical rectal bleeding (including dark, admixed, associated with sustained altered bowel habit or significant weight loss).

To ensure appropriate and timely triage, include all demographic and clinical details as well as relevant investigation results. 

If you are concerned about any delay of the appointment or if there is any deterioration in your patient’s condition, contact the Registrar on-call via the hospitals' switchboard telephone: (08) 7074 0000 (RAH) or (08) 8222 6000 (TQEH).

Alternate care options

In most cases the key to appropriate management is a detailed history and examination.  Options for obtaining further information regarding various colorectal conditions and to provide guidance for assessment, investigations and management are listed in the related resources tab.  In some instances, links to fact sheets have been included in the table which outlines clinical criteria for referral.

Health Pathways

Health Pathways South Australia is an online portal designed to be used by general practice at the point of care to guide best practice assessment, management and referral of common clinical conditions.

Colorectal clinical information sheets

The following information sheets about presentations commonly seen in colorectal clinics provide the minimum information required for assessing a referral under the headings of eligibility, priority, differential diagnosis, clinical information and investigations required, pre-referral management strategies and discharge criteria.

Patient information

Referral from your general practitioner (GP)

You need a referral letter from your GP or medical practitioner to access this service.

Your doctor will need to fax your referral letter to us. We will be in contact with you within clinically recommended times, depending on waiting list length.  If there is no waiting list, you will receive an appointment booking letter or we will contact you to arrange a suitable time.

Information sheets

Please refer to the information sheets below for information regarding the outpatient service.


Please refer to the outpatient map below and present to your designated clinic on the day of your appointment.