Patient property and food Storage at LMH
Patient property
If you have found or lost property whilst in hospital, please approach the Security Office and discuss with the staff who will assist you in completing the necessary documentation.
To organise return of your stored patient property placed in our safekeeping during yours or your relative’s stay, please bring your receipt and photo ID with you to the Security Office.
Safe food storage
During storage, the safety and suitability of food needs to be maintained by ensuring it is stored in an appropriate environment and protected from contamination. Potentially hazardous food must be stored at a temperature that minimises the opportunity for pathogenic bacteria to grow (Standard 3.2.2 Australia New Zealand Food Authority, Safe Food Australia).
Please be advised not to bring in the following high-risk food items:
- undercooked meat, fish and especially poultry
- cold meats and delicatessen goods (e.g. ham, salami, cabana)
- pate and liverwurst
- soft cheese (e.g. camembert, brie) or cheese with mould (e.g. blue, stilton)
- raw fish and shellfish
- salads including raw mushrooms or fruits from salad bars
- non-pasteurised dairy products
- unpackaged/unwrapped breads, cakes and donuts etc. from a bakery.
All food being stored in a clinical area fridge needs to be:
- labelled with the patient’s name, date and time
- fully covered/wrapped in an appropriate container/packaging.
Discarding food:
Food that is not labelled with patient’s name, date and time is to be discarded daily. Food is NOT to be re-heated within the healthcare facility.
Please discuss with your nurse should you have any questions on matters relating to food.