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Your own medicines - Frequently asked questions about what medicines you need to take to hospital and why
SA Health encourages patients to bring their own medicines and medicines list from home so hospital staff can record a complete and accurate list of all the medicines you were taking before coming into hospital. This will help ensure you receive the correct medicines while in hospital.
Bringing your medicines into hospital will help hospital staff to:
Where possible, you should bring in all medicines that you have been taking before your hospital admission. Where possible, please bring your medicines in their original packs. If you have a medicines list bring that in as well.
Medicines to bring in include:
Bringing your medicines into hospital will help hospital staff to:
You should bring in all medicines you have been taking before your hospital stay.
If you have a medicines list bring that in as well. Medicines to bring in include:
Where possible, please bring in medicines in their original packs.
This is a list of all your current medicines and useful information about them. It is a good way to keep the information about your medicines together. You should use it to record:
If you take medicines regularly SA Health recommends that you have an up-to-date medicines list and keep it with you in case of emergencies. Take your medicines list with you every time you go to hospital; visit a doctor or other health professional. If any changes are made to your medicines while you are in hospital or visit a doctor make sure you update your medicines list.
Before you leave hospital the pharmacist can help you to update your medicines list. Your community pharmacist may also help you.
If you come into hospital without your medicines, you may be asked to get a family member or carer to bring them in. This is to help hospital staff work out what medicines you have been taking.
If you come into hospital without all your medicines, you may be asked to get a family member or carer to bring them in. This is to help hospital staff work out what medicines you have been taking.
Do not take your own medicines while you are in hospital unless you have agreed this with hospital staff such as the doctor or pharmacist.
Your medicines will only be used with your consent.
Depending on hospital policy, and if your medicines are fit for use in hospital, your own medicines may be used.
If you wish to use your own medicines in hospital please talk to hospital staff such as the doctor or pharmacist.
If it is agreed that you can take your own medicines in hospital, they will be stored securely and given to you at the right time each day.
Any new medicines started in hospital will be supplied by the hospital.
If your dose changes but the medicines stay the same, your medicines may be re-labelled with the new instructions.
Hospital staff will review the medicines you have been taking in hospital and tell you which medicines to take when you return home.
You will get your own medicines back when you leave hospital. If you need more of your medicines, the hospital staff will organise a supply. Any new medicines started in hospital will also be supplied.
The hospital pharmacist or doctor can help to update your medicines list before you leave hospital.
Please bring your Medicare card and any pension/concession cards (including your Safety Net Card) into hospital with you.
If you do not need a medicine, or it’s no longer fit for use, the hospital can safely dispose of it, with your consent.