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You've passed the pregnancy test. Now ring for the appointment - What to do once you find out you are pregnant
The Pregnancy SA Infoline provides a single point of contact for booking your first antenatal appointment in metropolitan hospitals as well as Gawler, Mount Barker and Victor Harbour regional hospitals.
The Infoline connects you to your closest public maternity service where an appointment can be made. At this first appointment, antenatal staff will discuss suitable birthing options with you.
Country residents who plan on birthing in the country should continue to contact their local GP or health service to make their first antenatal appointment.
Alternatively country residents who plan on birthing in a metropolitan public hospital should contact their GP or the Pregnancy SA Infoline to book their first antenatal appointment.
If you require specialist perinatal care you are not required to call the new service. Referral to specialist services can be done in the usual way.
Call your GP or the Pregnancy SA Infoline: 1300 368 820
Available Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 4.00 pm, excluding public holidays.
The South Australian Pregnancy Record will be given to you at your first antenatal visit. You are required to take this to all your appointments during your pregnancy. This Record helps ensure continuity of care as it is the only complete medical record maintained during your pregnancy.
This book is designed to allow all your health care providers to share information with other providers. There is also space for you to add your own notes, reminders, comments or questions.
After your birth, this Record is retained by the hospital. To request a copy of your record, speak to your midwife or doctor after birth.