
Name meaning… Caring House

Kanggawodli comprises of a culturally safe accommodation service available to Aboriginal consumers who live more than 100km from Adelaide and are visiting Adelaide for clinical appointments and a Watto Purrunna Aboriginal Primary Health Care Service, which is open from 9am to 5pm weekdays.

Accommodation at Kanggawodli is by referral only. Clients must be over 18 years of age and able to be safely accommodated without clinical or personal care supports.

Clients can stay at Kanggawodli for up to three months.

Kanggawodli offers clients:

  • Access to Watto Purrunna Aboriginal Primary Health Care Service including GPs, Aboriginal Health Practitioners and Allied Health services including Podiatry, Diabetes Education and Dietitians.  GP clinics are held four times a week.
  • Transport for clients to and from their hospital appointments.
  • A bridge between the acute sector and the community - linking the points of care.
  • Social and emotional support from a Social Worker.
  • Ngangkari clinics.
  • Gathering area with fire pit for clients to enjoy.


Telephone: (08) 8342 2250
Fax:  (08) 8342 2260


Address: 16 – 22 Clement Street, Dudley Park  SA  5008