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A brochure for consumers and carers on the Digital Telehealth Network
Your local health professional will discuss the reasons that digital telehealth could be a suitable technology tool to use as part of your treatment, and answer any questions. If you agree to participate your health professional will book the consultation just like any other appointment, and will attend the consultation on the day. You may also like to have a family member or carer with you during the consultation.
The DTN is able to support the use of interpreting services via videoconference. If you would like to access an interpreter during your appointment, please let a member of staff know.
When you arrive for your appointment, you will be shown into a private room where the video conferencing equipment is set-up.
If you are in a hospital bed, your appointment can occur either by the bedside or in a nearby interview room.
The clinician will discuss with your health professional and work together to achieve the best outcomes for you.
Telerehabilitation uses SA Health loan iPads or your own devices (such as computers, tablets or smartphones) to connect with rehabilitation specialist health professionals via video conference. For more information on what you need and how to prepare for a Telerehabilitation appointment, see the Preparing for your Telerehabilitation appointment page.
For further information on the Digital Telehealth Network, email HealthSADigitalTelehealthNetwork@sa.gov.au or see the Telehealth web page.