Disclaimer For Assisted Reproductive Treatment Information
The information provided here has been collated by the Policy and Legislation Unit, Department for Health and Wellbeing in an effort to provide general guidance to those persons seeking assisted reproductive treatment and those seeking to provide assisted reproductive treatment, to assist understanding on the effect of the provisions of the assisted reproductive treatment legislation. Please note that it does not constitute legal advice. Whilst every effort is made to provide accurate, current and complete information, no claim is made that the information is in fact accurate, current or complete.
Any references to third party resources are provided for convenience and do not constitute an endorsement of the information contained in those resources or of any associated organisation, product or service.
By using this information, you acknowledge that the Department for Health and Wellbeing, the Minister for Health and Wellbeing, or any employees of the Department do not accept liability however arising, for any consequences of anything done or not done by a person in relation to the usage of and/ or reliance upon (whether in whole or in part) the information provided here.