Resources for drinking water providers, including forms, templates and further information
Drinking water auditors and inspectors - Information and resources
The audit or inspection of a drinking water provider is to be carried out by an approved auditor or inspector.
Auditors and inspectors will be approved based on appropriate skills and experience. Three classification levels have been defined in the Guidelines for qualifications and certifications recognised for approval of auditors and inspectors (PDF 267KB).
Applying to become an auditor/inspector
To apply complete the Auditor and Inspector application form (DOC 427KB) and forward to SA Health's Water Quality Unit along with relevant documentation.
Auditor-level 2 or Inspector-level 3 applicants will be required to attend a free drinking water quality training session conducted by SA Health. Exemptions can be granted for those with extensive water quality experience.
Routine audit and inspection fees
The Safe Drinking Water Regulations 2012 prescribe a maximum fee of $200 for non-routine inspections undertaken by an authorised officer.
The Act and Regulations do not prescribe the charges that Councils can apply for providing routine auditing and inspection services.
Guidelines for Councils on fees for routine audits and inspections are available through the Local Government Association (LGA) of South Australia.