Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Dependence (MATOD) prescriber training and education
In South Australia in order to become an accredited MATOD prescriber, a medical practitioner must complete the South Australian Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Dependence (MATOD) Prescriber training.
Unaccredited medical practitioners
Unaccredited medical practitioners can still prescribe buprenorphine with naloxone in film form (Suboxone®) for up to 10 patients for opioid dependence. Further information is available here.
Unaccredited medical practitioners must complete the DDU approved training: 'Theory - Depot Buprenorphine - SA' and submit a certificate of completion to the DDU for accreditation to prescribe and administer depot buprenorphine.
Accredited prescribers
Accredited prescribers are able to prescribe:
- methadone liquid for any patient with opioid dependence
- buprenorphine/naloxone film (Suboxone®) for more than 10 patients
- buprenorphine without naloxone in tablet form (Subutex®) for other limited exemptions.
- prescribe and administer depot Buprenorphine, after completing the DDU approved training: 'Theory - Depot Buprenorphine - SA'
(This module has been included in the Theory component of the MATOD Prescriber Training Course - South Australia since March 2020.)
Training to become an accredited prescriber
Training to become an accredited prescriber covers background information on opioid dependence treatment with methadone and buprenorphine, practical problem-solving and skills development.
The training consists of TWO parts:
- Theory: Theory — MATOD Prescriber Training Course — South Australia
An online course, hosted on the Inkwire Digital site. The activity is estimated to take approximately 6 hours to complete and has been allocated RACGP - CME points and ACRRM - PD points.
The course can be accessed on the Inkwire Digital site.
This component is a prerequisite to the Skill Development component. - Skill Development
The Skill Development component occurs face to face and uses standardised patients in scenarios involving initial assessment, initiation and review of MATOD treatment and is supervised by experienced MATOD prescribers.
This session is 3 hrs long and currently conducted at a DASSA clinical site. These sessions are coordinated by the DASSA GP Program Coordinator.
Once training is successful, the medical practitioner applies for accreditation to the Opioid Dependence Prescriber Review Committee, which in turn makes recommendations to the Drugs of Dependence Unit (DDU).
Recognition of previous training will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the GP Program Coordinator to discuss the process.
DASSA GP education and networking day
The 2024 GP education and networking day will be held on Saturday 25 May 2024 in Adelaide.
For information regarding the day and to express interest in attending, please contact the GP Program Project Officer via Email:
Further information and advice
GP Program Project Coordinator: (08) 7425 5098.
Visit GP Program - Medication assisted treatment for opioid dependence for information on prescribing medications for opioid dependence.
Drugs of Dependence Unit
Phone: 1300 652 584 (office hours).
Provides advice on prescribing from a regulatory view point.
Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS)
Phone: (08) 7087 1742 — 24 hours 7 days/week including public holidays
DACAS provides a telephone and email service for South Australian health professionals seeking clinical information and clarification around clinical procedures, guidelines and evidence-based practice.
Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS)
Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS)
Phone: 1300 13 1340.
Telephone information, counselling and referral available every day between 8.30 am and 10.00 pm (South Australian callers - local call fee).