Information about prescribing medications for opioid dependence including the GP Program, which supports prescribers.
Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS)
The Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS) provides a telephone and email service for South Australian health professionals seeking clinical information and clarification around clinical procedures, guidelines and evidence-based practice.
This service does not provide proxy medical cover and cannot assume responsibility for direct patient care.
Contacts and operating hours
Telephone: (08) 7087 1742 24 hours a day 7 days/week including public holidays
Factsheets for GP’s
The following factsheets and other clinical information may assist health professionals in the treatment of alcohol and other drug related presentations in a general practice setting.
- Acamprosate in alcohol dependence (PDF 223KB)
- Benzodiazepine withdrawal (PDF 342KB)
- Heroin withdrawal (PDF 343KB)
- Heroin withdrawal precipitated by Naltrexone (PDF 281KB)
- Management of alcohol use disorders: withdrawal care (PDF 320KB)
- Management of cannabis use (PDF 325KB)
- Management of stimulant use (PDF 306KB)
- Naltrexone in alcohol dependence (PDF 325KB)
- Naltrexone in heroin dependence (PDF 125KB)
Alcohol — clinical information and resources
- Alcohol withdrawal – general (includes link to CIWA-Ar Observation schedule)
- Alcohol withdrawal – inpatient (includes link to CIWA-Ar Observation schedule and SA Health acute hospital guideline)
- Alcohol withdrawal – outpatient (includes link to CIWA-Ar Observation schedule)
- Alcohol dependence medicines (including information on naltrexone, acamprosate and disulfiram as well as patient information sheets)
- AUDIT – screening tool for assessing risk associated with alcohol use. Useful for brief interventions or as a first step towards addressing patients alcohol issues.
- Withdrawal Plan for patients and carers (PDF 116KB)
Amphetamines — clinical information and resources
- Amphetamine withdrawal management
- What is methamphetamine (PDF 120KB)
Information for patients who have presented to hospital with an acute amphetamine related problem. - Withdrawal Plan for patients and carers (PDF 116KB)
- Meth Check: Ultra Brief Intervention Tool — Insight
An A3 clinical tool designed to assist health practitioners structure a 20-30 minute ultra-brief intervention with someone who uses methamphetamine.
Benzodiazepines — clinical information and resources
- Benzodiazepine withdrawal management (including link to benzodiazepine dose equivalent chart, link to CIWA-B Withdrawal Observation Chart)
- Benzodiazepines and methadone or buprenorphine — patient information (PDF 240KB)
- Benzodiazepine tapering agreement — patients on MATOD (WORD 50KB)
- Withdrawal Plan for patients and carers (PDF 116KB)
Cannabis — clinical information and resources
Gamma Hydroxy Butyric Acid (GHB) — clinical information and resources
Opioids — clinical information and resources
- Opioid withdrawal management includes:
- Inpatient management of people on methadone or Suboxone for opioid dependence admitted to hospital plus COWS (Clinical Opioid Withdrawal Scale)
- Inpatient management of people withdrawing from unsanctioned (illicit or prescribed) plus COWS (Clinical Opioid Withdrawal Scale)
- Outpatient opioid withdrawal management
- Benzodiazepines and methadone or Suboxone (PDF 109KB)
- Commencing patients on Suboxone for opioid dependence (PDF 199KB)
- Drugs of Dependence Unit opioid dependence treatment authority application form (PDF 2.2MB)
- Prescribing drugs of dependence in general practice (Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2017)
- Managing people with regular over the counter codeine use (PDF 1.2MB)
- Substance misuse and dependence
- Withdrawal Plan for patients and carers (PDF 116KB)
DASSA referral information
- Detailed information on how to refer eligible patients to DASSA.
- Referral to DASSA community clinics including country counsellors (PDF 90KB)
- DASSA Adelaide metropolitan community clinic catchments (PDF 125KB)
- Rapid Response Hospital Referrals (PDF 90KB) — referrals from hospitals only
Other information
Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS)
Telephone 1300 13 1340
A confidential telephone counselling, information and referral service.
(Available 8.30 am to 10.00 pm, 7 days for SA callers only).
Know Your Options
Support people to access alcohol and other drug treatment services in South Australia.
The website includes a service directory, information for health professionals about alcohol and other drug treatment, information about selecting a service.