An overview of what you need to know about drugs of dependence, what they are and why and how they are regulated in South Australia
Appeal options on drugs of dependence treatment authorities
Appeal options
Treating prescribers and patients have the following options to appeal an administrative decision made by the Drugs of Dependence Unit.
Manager Drugs of Dependence Unit
Prescribers are encouraged to contact the Manager, Drugs of Dependence Unit to request a Decision Review. The initial decision may be confirmed, or a fresh decision made. Any information previously unavailable to the Drugs of Dependence Unit (for example relevant specialist reports or test results) should be provided to assist the review.
Prescribers have the right to appeal a decision by the Drugs of Dependence Unit if their authority is revoked. Prescribers can apply for an independent review by the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT).
Obtaining a second opinion
Patients can obtain a second opinion about their treatment from another general practitioner or specialist medical practitioner. This should ideally be coordinated through your current prescriber.
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
Patients concerned about the health, conduct or performance of a prescriber should contact the AHPRA on 1300 419 495.
Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner
A prescriber or patient may complain to the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner about the process the Drugs of Dependence Unit has used to make or review a decision.
Ombudsman SA
A prescriber or patient dissatisfied with the response from the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner, may complain to Ombudsman SA about the process the Drugs of Dependence Unit has used to make or review a decision.