Blood utilisation studies

South Australian blood utilisation studies utilise linked hospital and pathology data from public hospitals across the state to provide a better understanding of South Australia’s blood usage.  This is turn supports the development of best practice programs and clinical supply planning needs for South Australia.

Data coverage – blood products

The database enables analysis of aggregate blood product use across the South Australian public health sector for all fresh products, including:

  • red cells
  • platelets
  • fresh frozen plasma
  • cryoprecipitate
  • cryo-depleted plasma

Database variables

Data can be analysed by demographic and clinical variables such as:

  • age and sex
  • Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs)
  • Specialty Related Groups (SRGs)
  • Major Diagnostic Categories (MDCs)
  • surgical procedures, such as:
    • cardiothoracic surgery – coronary artery bypass graft, valve and combined
    • colorectal – right and left sided procedures
    • orthopaedics – primary hip and knee arthroplasty, revision of hips and knees, fracture of neck of femur
    • others may be available on request
  • medical diagnoses, such as:
    • gastro-intestinal bleed
    • liver disease
    • haematology – malignancy, iron deficiency anaemia
  • others may be available on request.

Additional information also includes information on pre-operative anaemia rates.

Statistical variables

Key statistics available include:

  • transfusion rates
  • average units transfused
  • range of units transfused
  • proportion of single unit transfusions.

Database use

The database is available to monitor transfusion practices and support blood sector activities undertaken by public sector health services, transfusion committees, clinical networks and individual clinicians.

Red cell usage resources

Aetiology of preoperative anaemia in patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery – the challenge of pillar one of Patient Blood Management: This Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Journal article authored by SA Health staff provides the findings from a retrospective study aimed at determining the aetiology of preoperative anaemia in a cohort of patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery over two years at a tertiary hospital.

Note: the link is to the summary only. To view the full article, you will need to be a subscriber to the Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Journal or register for free access to this article. If you do not have access and wish to receive a copy, please contact Blood Organ and Tissue Programs. This article can be cited as “J Abraham, R Sinha, K Robinson, V Scotland, D Cardone. Aetiology of preoperative anaemia in patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery—the challenge of pillar one of Patient Blood Management. Anaesth Intensive Care 2017; 45:46-51.”

The prevalence of anaemia, hypochromia and microcytosis in preoperative cardiac surgical patients: This Anaesthesia and Intensive Journal article authored by SA Health staff provides the findings from a retrospective study aimed at determining the prevalence of preoperative anaemia, hypochromia and microcytosis in cardiac surgery patients.

Note: the link is to the summary only. To view the full article, you will need to be a subscriber to the Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Journal or register for free access to this article. If you do not have access and wish to receive a copy, please contact Blood Organ and Tissue Programs. This article can be cited as “O David, R Sinha, K Robinson, D Cardone. The prevalence of anaemia, hypochromia and microcytosis in preoperative cardiac surgical patients. Anaesth Intensive Care 2013; 41:316-321.”

Red alert - A new perspective on patterns of blood use in the SA public sector: This Australian Health Review paper outlines a study undertaken on red cell usage in South Australia, including an analysis of factors that can influence blood utilisation rates.


For more information on data availability and access, please contact Blood, Organ and Tissue Programs on (08) 8226 7254.